Here is a great formula that helps your local community stay local and it is not too difficult.  When was the last time you visited a local studio, attended a gallery hop or spent $50 in a local market or shop.  These shops are the backbone to our tourism industry.  So attend the gallery hop or this weekend enjoy the local shops.  You will make a difference.

Have you heard about the 3/50 Project? 

An amazingly easy formula designed to save the brick and mortar our nation is built on.
Here’s how it works:


Pick three locally-owned businesses you’d hate to see disappear, and visit them. Pick up a little something that makes you happy.  You are keeping the shop in business today.


Commit $50 each month to supporting locally-owned businesses, shops or restaurants.  If half of the employed in the US would do that, we’d generate more than $42 billion each year for our local entrepreneurs.


With each $100 we spend in locally-owned businesses, $68 stays within our community.  Big box stores? Only $43.  Internet shopping?  You guessed it… nada. 

It’s that simple.