While many believe summer should be the busiest selling season, it is the spring and autumn that are the strongest selling seasons of the year on Hilton Head Island.  The agenda for many of the summer time visitors is to spend time with family and relax.  While many research the real estate while they are on vacation, they typically return in the fall or spring to buy.  With the busiest rental season we have had, this coming Autumn and Spring we will be selling up a storm!


The perfect “buyers storm” is brewing  on Hilton Head Island

This Autumn, the perfect “buyers storm” is brewing on Hilton Head Island as the lowest interest rates ever collide with the incredible values and unbelievable properties during a strong selling season.  Because these variables may never align this way again, this Autumn promises to be our best ever.  In fact, our recommendation to buyers is the “early bird will get the best worm.”  There simply has never been a better time to become a Hilton Head property owner!

Sell before the end of the year!

We have buyers and if you are interested in selling before the end of the year, we can help you.  Please send us an e-mailor call me direct at 800-932-3652.  Our last seller sold their property in 30 days and this is what they had to say “Robbie and Jane brought creative Internet marketing, a selling strategy and positive approach to the marketing of our home that had been on the market earlier without success”.  They continued “Robbie and Jane custom designed a presentation and a plan that we stuck to and we sold our home in 30 days (June) this year… for more than what others thought we could!  In fact, the offer came before the buyer actually saw the property in person.”  Please let us know if you would like us to help get your property sold this Autumn.  You can email us at robbie@robbiebunting.com or call us direct at 800-932-3652.  Thank you.