Musical Chairs on Hilton Head
When the music stops playing, will you have a Hilton Head, Daufuskie or Bluffton Property? Inventory, prices, properties, locations, condition and interest rates are all subject to change without notice when it comes to Hilton Head Real Estate! Right now interest rates, better than great pricing and premier locations are all available. When one or the other of these start disappearing we expect to see crocodile tears in the Low-Country!
They are already taking away chairs in South Carolina
This is from Sandy Stone our 2013 SCR President, “Buyers have 13.1 percent fewer choices than this time last year when it comes to inventory and sellers have 13.1 percent less competition. When it came to 2012 sales, the buyer rebound remained strong throughout the year. Closed slaes were up 12.5 percent to 53,375 for the year – the most since 2007.”
Why does the Music go faster on Hilton Head?
Real estate is governed by the simple law of suply and demand especially on an Island that is 97% developed and offers a finite resource of developable land. When you factor in additional buyers(more demand) into this limited market it can change inventory very quickly. Now imagine the impact of 950,000 Baby Boomers visiting Hilton Head every year for the next 17 years and its effect on our market. Keep in mind this group has members turning 60 years old at a rate of 8,000 per day that want to retire in a place that is “warm and wet”. Sure prices are driving the bus right now, but inventories are dropping. What are you willing to give up, price? condition? location? WHY?
Musical chairs is the best way to describe the Hilton Head Real Estate Market
As this economy continues to turn, there will be more buyers than properties. The properties that we are selling offer compelling prices with incredible locations and beautiful interiors. In fact, we have some incredible Hilton Head Properties now and can help you do the research to find the perfect property today (all bets are off when we hit season:)). Just the other day 8 homes and 5 villas pended and it is only January. E-mail, pop into our new office or call us at 800-932-3652 anytime.. We are NOT standing by, because buyers are already forming a line, but we will do our best to save you a seat.
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