Hilton Head Sellers Need To Dive In!
Some of our Hilton Head sellers may be a bit shell shy after the last few years with hardly a nibble, but given the current state of the market, sellers need to know the market is moving. Might be hard to get back on the horse that threw you, but timing is on a sellers side for Hilton Head Vacation Homes and Residential properties…right now.
Factors the effect liquidity on Hilton Head
Right now…The Hilton Head Real Estate market is responding favorably to the economy. Consumer confidence is flowing into the market place and buyers are finally making decisions. When these factors are in place, this is the time a seller should get their property listed and get it sold. If you were to put an X where you think we are right now, it is likely on the getting better side. However, growing inventories, higher interest rates, and other factors can change the direction. Sellers should move into the market when things are favorable.
Good news for Hilton Head Sellers
Right now…There are fewer properties for sale and we have new buyers entering the market every day. While things are looking good for our Hilton Head sellers, we are carrying about 3 years of supply forward from the recession. This could hold values in check until we catch up for these past few years. Sitting on the sidelines and waiting for more money will only cost sellers more money as they sit and not sell. Hilton Head real estate is liquid right now if the property has the big 3, condition, location and price + the most important ingredient, BUYERS! The hotsheet to the left shows that homes pending(14) is equivalent to new lsitings(15). Villas are the same. This will keep appreciation in check until inventory returns back to normal.
Buying Power in the Hilton Head Real Estate Market
The current interest rates create buying power on Hilton Head! However, for every point that interest rates increase, buyers will lose 10% of their buying power. So…if a seller is sitting on the sidelines waiting for higher prices, rising interst rates will put the brakes on this until we eat through the inventory we have carried forward for the last few years.
The Right Signs for Hilton Head Sellers
Interest rates, consumer confidence, low inventories for Hilton Head Rental Properties and Hilton Head Residential Homes are all the reasons a seller should re-enter the Hilton Head Real estate market today, rather than waiting for something better. Hilton Head Sellers that get their properties on the market will be rewarded with showings, offers and contracts. Sellers that kick the ball down the street waiting for something better may end up spending their way to a higher price. Our advise is that when the news is good, don’t question it, grab ahold and enjoy the benefits. Happy Selling!
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