Gulf StreamLooking into the weekend, Hilton Head Island is battening down the hatches. Although Hurricane Mathew has turned slightly east, we would rather be safe than sorry!  Our rental crew is busy today moving pool and patio furniture in for our second home owners and rental units.  Listed below are several reliable sources to keep track of storms in the Hilton Head Area:


National Weather Service Charleston 

National Hurricane Center

Weather Underground

SC Emergency Management Division

HHI Evacuation Route

Evacuation Planning

Evacuation Kits and Tips

Town of HHI “Emergency Alerts”

Subscribe here.

Hilton Head Storms

We are all taking big breaths and exhaling east in hopes that the storm heads out to sea!  Hilton Head’s guardian angel, the Gulf Stream should help turn this storm further north once it is 70 miles off the coast.  Above all, be safe!  When we return to the Island we will be contacting you with an update.  In the meantime, if you have concerns or questions that we can help you with, just  email or text us.