Upside down Hilton Head buyer

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We have a guy that likes to buy short sale homes and villas.  Properties that are upside down means you owe more than your property is worth.  This is a cash buyer.  If you need to move fast, or behind in payments, near foreclosure or bankruptcy, you may not have to hope and pray for someone to come along to solve your problem.

This guy is buying upside down homes and villas.

It will cost nothing to sit down and learn the short sale process and see if your property fits his criteria.  You have nothing to lose.  My direct line is (843)842-0805.  If your property is not currently listed, we will meet together with our buyer to see if this meets the type of property he is looking for.  Thank you.

Is your Hilton Head property working for you or against you?

Be the first to comment on this post Categories: Communities and Areas, Distressed Properties

Those that purchased real estate on Hilton Head Island at the height of the market(mid 2000’s) may feel a bit trapped, but we are finding solutions to help get our market moving.  If your Hilton Head property is holding you back  from major things that you want to pay for or purchase in the next few years, we would like to talk to you.  Read the rest of this entry

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