Find a Property Before it’s on Zillow!
Be the first to comment on this post Categories: Hilton Head BuyersPotential Buyers on Hilton Head Island take note! There is a new way to find out about a property before it is listed for sale on the internet or Zillow. There is only one way to find out about these new properties. Your local Hilton Head Multiple Listing Agent can see them before you ever do.
These properties are categorized as “Listing Delay”! The sellers have deferred putting their properties on the market until a certain date. However, your Hilton Head MLS agent can see them before you ever do and even show some of them to you before they hit the market or internet.
If you would like to be recieve these property updates, email us today! These properties change daily and your agent can keep you posted if the perfect property pops up!
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