What is a POA fee on Hilton Head Island?

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If you drive through a security gate on Hilton Head Island, chances are there is an annual POA fee for this community.  POA stands for Property Owners Association which is a group of owners that oversee the roads, the security, the common area maintenance, the insurance, the lighting and landscaping in these common areas.  Some of these communities also include golf, tennis, marinas and other amenities.  Listed below is a list of these communities and the costs associated with ownership and purchase. Read the rest of this entry

The Hilton Head “Tree Story”

1 Comment | Leave A Comment Categories: Communities and Areas, Hilton Head Main

Have you ever heard the Hilton Head Tree story? If you have never been to the Island or never heard the story it goes something like this: On Hilton Head Island we have protected our trees way before development really cranked up. Our century old live oaks, palmettos, magnolias, pines and all the other trees are considered one of the town’s most valuable assets.  Hilton Head Island put in place a plan, after all, they are our breathing buddies!

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