We have created some great searches on our website www.HiltonHeadRealEstateNews.com. These searches include doing a Hilton Head Island Map Search which allows you to see the location and than find out more about the properties.  Those that are looking for the hottest and best properties might want to check back frequently for our Search for New Hilton Head Listings which highlites the best new listings in the last week.  Of course , there are those that love the bargains and you can always find our Search for Hilton Head Short Sale Properties or our Search for Hilton Head Foreclosures enticing with the very best distressed properties offered.  We never ask you to sign in to get information, but would love to know if we can help you as you research this market. We can set you up to receive great and new updates on the properties and areas you have interest in by clicking here Read the rest of this entry