Shopping for a Vacation Rental company on Hilton Head Island?

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photo (2)As summer comes to an end, this is the perfect time to shop and compare rental companies.  We are pleased to introduce,  Darcey Sundling, Property Manager/Principal can help a property owner achieve their properties full rental potential and has put some together some excellent programs including the “Allegiance Program” for local REALTORS. Read the rest of this entry

Hilton Head Sellers Need To Dive In!

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How liquid is your Hilton Head Real Estate?Some of our Hilton Head sellers may be a bit shell shy after the last few years with hardly a nibble, but given the current state of the market, sellers need to know the market is moving.  Might be hard to get back on the horse that threw you, but timing is on a sellers side for Hilton Head Vacation Homes and Residential properties…right now.

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