Selling Seasons for Hilton Head Real Estate

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We study market trends and know that there are some times of year that are better than others to sell Hilton Head Properties.  If you have considered buying or selling real estate these seasonal trends can be your friend.  We looked to Zillow to show the Best Selling Seasons on Hilton Head that took place last year. Read the rest of this entry

Managing buyers and sellers expectations on Hilton Head

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An agent called the other day and presented an offer 70% off the adjusted asking price.  We understood the buyer(agent) was trying to negotiate with the seller….but it seemed to me the agent really set their buyer up for disappointment.  The first thing that popped into mind was “Do they really want to buy this home?”  and “Who really came up with this price?”  Typically when a buyer makes an offer this low, it usually means they do not understand the present real estate market and it is our job as professionals to move them closer to reality.  Usually buyers need more information and will proceed if we better manage their expectations.  Our recent market trends reports helps our sellers and buyers better understand the Hilton Head Real Estate market and sets them up for success.  In this case, similar properties were selling for 11% on average off the listing price. So how did this buyer determine offering 70% less?

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