Hilton Head Real Estate Sales Surge in May 2020

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The Hilton Head Real Estate Market has been playing catchup from a sleepy spring as sales surge in the Months of May and June. Prospective purchasers are not taking a chance on time! They have been rewarded with selection and low interest rates!

Hilton Head Real Estate 2020

If you would like to find out what’s available, just give us a call at (843)785-7111 or shoot us an email. With this activity, inventory will certainly change. After all, we are an Island that is 100% developed near the beach. We are certainly seeing negotiations firm up on the Island with multiple offers on properties that are priced right! Stay Happy and Healthy!

Take Exit 8: Hilton Head Island

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Hilton Head Island & Bluffton Real Estate News
March 2020/Updated July 2022
HHI is just a One Day Drive Away!
We recieved an email today from a guest that had booked an international vacation to a resort Island, but decided to drive to Hilton Head for summer vacation instead! The beauty of Hilton Head for most is that it is just a days drive(or less) away from where they live. So how does Hilton Head Island measure from where you live?

Atlanta ~ 285
Boston ~ 1025
Charlotte ~ 254
Chicago ~ 954
Cincinnati ~ 663
Indianapolis ~ 771
Jacksonville ~ 175
Knoxville ~ 416
Louisville ~ 657
Nashville ~ 533
New York ~ 867
Philadelphia ~ 720
Raleigh ~ 325
Savannh ~ 40
Washington ~ 592

Car access to the island is from I-95 at Hardeeville exit #8. Take U.S. Highway 278 directly to the Island.
Click here to check out our incredible accomodations!

“I love being on vacation and never knowing what day it is.”

All Our Best,

Robbie Bunting at Hilton Head Properties (843)785-7111
All Our AwesomeProperties for SalePlease Click Here

Hilton Head Properties February 2020 Newsletter

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“Despite the forecast, live like it’s spring!”~Lilly Pulitzer

Hilton Head Island & BlufftonReal Estate News
February 2020

How’s your Zestimate? Today, many property owners use Zillow to determine the value of their Hilton Head Property(or any other property). Did you know that as an owner you can claim your property on Zillow and correct any inaccuracies? As well, once a property is listed for sale, the listing agent can log in and make any corrections to the property. If you need any assistance in correcting your properties descriptions, just let me know.

Local Happenings and Real Estate Ideas:
Saturday Seafood Festival
January 2020 Residential Sales on the Island
January 2020 Villa Sales on the Island
Advanced Pricing for the Heritage Golf Tournament
Road Tripping to Savannah – 55 things to do!
Coligny Beach – One of Best in US!
Pop in and let’s talk Realty and RentalsReal Estate For Sale

All Our Best,

Robbie Bunting and Jane Hyers
Hilton Head Properties

All Our AwesomeProperties for SalePlease Click Here

When it comes to selling your home, don’t go “Old School”

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There are only two types of seller’s in our real estate market today. There is the “Old School” seller. These sellers set a price and never change it. In fact, there is a good chance they will change their agents more times than their price. Then there is the “New School” seller. These sellers know their buyer is watching their property on the internet and have no problem adjusting their asking price if there is no activity. Can you guess which sellers will sell faster and most likely for more?

Let’s just take a quick look at the Old School Real Estate Market. In the not so long ago past, buyers could not easily determine how long a property had been on the market and did not have easy access to comps. These buyers had to walk into a real estate office or call their agent on the phone to get additional information. This gave “Old School” sellers a chance at bat because buyers had to call an agent to get more information about their property. The bad news for Old School sellers is the internet changed all of this.

Buyers don’t have to raise their hand in the market today. Buyer’s remain stealth with the internet until they spot a properly priced property with the criteria they are looking for. They have easy access to comps on internet sites including Zillow, Trulia and Realtor.com . They can now see how long a property has been on the market and quickly determine if it’s priced right. They don’t even waste their time looking at an overpriced property. More bad news for the Old School seller!

What’s the solution for “Old School” sellers? When positioning your property for sale, if there are only a few showings, no second showings and no offers, there is only one reason. If your property has tumbleweeds blowing around the drive, adjust your value early and often! You will be amazed what happens!

Maximize your Enjoyment, Savings, Sale or Rentals in 2019 on Hilton Head Island

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We loved 2018, but we are ready to jump into 2019!  In the year ahead, it is our hope to remain humble and hungry as we continue to build Hilton Head Properties Realty and Rentals.  Listed below are some ideas to help you maximize your enjoyment, ownership, savings, sale or rentals on Hilton Head Island.  We look forward to helping you achieve your real estate dreams in 2019! Read the rest of this entry

Oyster Roasts on Hilton Head Island

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Oyster Farming and Lowcountry Traditions in Bluffton, South Carolina

Hilton Head Island & Bluffton

Real Estate News

December 2018

At this time of the year, Islanders and guests celebrate the off season with Oyster Roasts. Some of the most delicious oysters are harvested right here in the Low Country. With the colling temperatures, we love gathering around a shucking table meeting with old friends and new. All the months with “R” are harvesting months as the temperatures are cooler. The video above is about the oyster harvesting in the Hilton Head area and below are some links for Oyster Roasts. Have fun!
Island News and Real Estate Updates:
“People don’t care how much we know, until they know how much we care!”
Happy Hilton Head!
Robbie Bunting and Jane Hyers

Awesome Properties for Sale

Please Click Here for all of our Listings

Top 10 Reasons To Visit Hilton Head Island This Winter!

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Hilton Head Island - A Golfing Mecca
Hilton Head Island & Bluffton
Real Estate News
November 2018
We thought that these property searches may turn up something fun for you! If you have a certain property in mind that you are looking for, just let us know and we can tailor the search criteria to only send properties that are a match. Of course, feel free to return or save these searches as they will always be up to date. Have Fun!Click Here for Fun Property Searches
Island News and Real Estate Updates:
“Life is always better at the beach”
Happy Hilton Head!
Robbie Bunting and Jane Hyers
Awesome Properties for Sale
Please Click Here for all of our Listings

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Why You Should Buy a Hilton Head Home During the Off-Season

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Your personal home-buying schedule doesn’t have to correspond with the real estate market! In fact, buying during the “off-season” can yield tremendous advantages on Hilton Head Island!

The “off season” on the Island offers easier access to some of the best properties for sale. The Island’s off season includes the months of November, December, January and February.  During this time of year the pace is slower, dinner reservations are not necessary and their is less competition bidding on the properties for sale

If you’re buying a home or villa, you may just want to begin looking for your dream home during this period of time. Here’s why: Read the rest of this entry

It pays to Shop Home Insurance on Hilton Head Island

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It’s a good idea to shop your property insurance in the Hilton Head area.  One of our clients will save $10,000 per year in flood insurance alone(with some modifications).   These savings may not be available for every property, but it certainly pays to shop.  This article on flood insurance  could be good news for many Hilton Head home owners.  If you would like some recommendations for Insurance Agencies in the Hilton Head area just let us know.  We can be reached at info@hiltonheadproperties.biz or call us at (843)785-7111.

Come Visit Buoy #8 This Fall

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Fall on Hilton Head Island offers a relaxed pace, wonderful temperatures, beautiful sunsets and Buoy #8.  Thanks to Irma, we have a 13,000 pound buoy that washed up on Coligny Beach.  It has become a popular photo-op for visitors and locals.  Some Islanders want to keep it to symbolize our Island’s resilience to challenges like Irma and Matthew.  While she blew in only a week ago, the Island Resorts are open for business and agents are busy showing real estate once again!  
Read the rest of this entry

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