View is Everything on Hilton Head Island
Be the first to comment on this post Categories: Hilton Head Buyers, Hilton Head SellersView has a big impact on the ultimate market time and selling price of Hilton Head Real Estate. That’s because Hilton Head buyers determine value based on the view out the back door. The bigger the view, the bigger the price. This can make identical villas in the same community vary in value by thousands of dollars and is typically factored in when buying or selling a Hilton Head Property.
Determining View Value on Hilton Head
View value on Hilton Head can be determined by comps, past histories, market research or a knowledgeable local Realtor. One way to determine view value is to “shop” or compare similar properties in the neighborhood with equal views. Because the value of Hilton Head real estate is based on view, values on Zillow and Trulia are usually off. If you are wondering what the true view value is, shoot me an email, call me at (843)785-71111 or pop in anytime. Thank you.
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