For Sellers:

Home Sellers: Is 2009 the Right Time to Put Your Home on the Market?


As 2009 winds down, savvy home buyers are looking to leverage the Obama Administration’s Tax Credit to their optimum advantage. Slated to end on November 30th, the tax credit is sure to create some activity with buyers as 2009 winds down and the November 30th deadline looms. This might be an ideal time for some home owners to put their home on the market and take advantage of this in 2009 versus waiting until 2010. However, NOW may be the the time to move on this for many home owners.

If you would like to find out if now would be a good time to put your home on the market, I am offering a free consultation for a limited time to help home owners weigh the pros and cons in order to make the best decision. To take advantage of this offer, please contact me today to schedule an appointment. Don’t miss out.

Thank You,

Robbbie Bunting

P.S.  As all homes are part of the same food chain this can have a trickle up effect to more expensive properties.