Update October 30, 2012 ~ I love calling prospects in the north after a big snow storm and talking about the weather on Hilton Head.  I mention the blue skys, apologize for the 6o degree temperatures, but tell them its supposed to be warming up, you know.  The photo to the left was sent to me today from a client from West Virginia today.  Not only is our Hilton Head weather good, we shovel a lot of sunshine on Hilton Head Island with over 200 days of sunshine. 

Todd Ballantines, The Real Seasons of Hilton Head Island

Hilton Head Island is kept warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer by thermos or the ocean breezes over the warm sea(that is why you see people swimming in the ocean in January).  In fact, our moderate winter days are typically warmer than other inland southern cities.  As well winter months have less rain than the wetter summer months with sub tropical temperatures that are perfect for snowbirds or real estate shoppers looking for a warm weather escape.  The winter is the Island’s sports season, which is perfect for golf, long beach walks, biking, tennis and most other outdoor activities.

Baby boomers want to be warm and wet!

In their retirement and golden years baby~boomers want warm weather and the ocean nearby.  Do not wait to long to make get your foot in the door on Hilton Head Island as boomers are now turning 60 at the rate of 8,000 a day and represent 38% of our total population in this country.  The way I see it based on 2.5 million visitors per year to Hilton Head Island, we have over 950,000 of  these Baby Boomers visiting the Island with about 50,000 of them turning 60 years old every year for the next 17 years.  Our recommendation is to be ahead of this herd!  We are just beginning to hear the rumble.

Forget the Snow Shovels on Hilton Head Island

For all of those digging out in the Northeast today, here is a link to today’s weather on Hilton Head Island.  Of course, if you are tired of shoveling today and would like to look at some Island Real Estate, we would be more than happy to help out.  Simply email us at robbie@robbiebunting.com and put in the subject line “Warm me up!”