Happy New Year!
Are you ready for the New Year?
We are grateful for the real estate relationships that we have been able to share with you in 2008. We’ve been able to counsel and serve you in ways that have impacted our lives and effected the businesses of many. We have worked with excellent Realtors in the area and put together real estate transactions including trades and negotiations that were incredibly challenging, yet we both persisted and closed. We want to thank each and every one of you and let you know that we wish to continue building this relationship long after that closing.
In this New Year, we will deliver huge value you in 09. We will provide insight to the market that includes trends that we follow and timing opportunities that the market presents to agents, sellers and buyers. We resolve to continue to bring powerful, impactful, relevant, and timely information to you. We believe that 2009 is the year for our clients to make their real estate and their lives what they want it to be and we want to be the catalyst that ensures these successes.
My question for you is what do you want to achieve in 2009? What is it that you dream of? If you are not quite sure, let’s sit down eye to eye or on the phone and develop a real estate strategy. We have a team that include appraisers, lenders, tax attorneys, repair people and contractors that can help us get headed in the right direction. The strategy session is free and informative. To schedule a strategy session, simply email me at robbie@robbiebunting.com . Who knows where this path will take you?
Stay safe and warm and we hope and pray that each of you have a wonderful 2009. To Your Achievement of Real Estate Success in 2009! We hope to provide excellent information in this Blog in the days ahead. If you would like us to publish an article or do some research that we can share with others, simply let us know via email or phone….thank you!
Our light bows to you….
Robbie Bunting & Jane Hyers
P.S. By the way, personally speaking in 2008 I found great challenge and growth. I completed my 3rd Marathon(the training was the real goal) and I earned the top Agent Award at Dunes Marketing for Closed Transactions and more improtantly Top agent for CLOSED LISTINGS. I share this award with Jane Hyers and the great clients that trusted their properties with me and most importantly reacted to market conditions in a timely manner.
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