Leamington Market Update ~ December 2009
Dear Leamington Property Owners, Friends and Clients~
Linked below, is the Leamington Market Update . This report shows the active listings, the current pendings and the sold properties. Please note the average price per square foot for the actives, pendings and solds. This can help in determining a quick valuation by mulitplying this number times your heated square footage. Simply click on the link below to open this report:
We would love it if you would forward this email to a client, friend or family member that has interest in the area. We have arranged special financing for the homes we offer at www.robbiebunting.com
We are here for you. Please feel free to email us at robbie@robbiebunting.com anytime. Thank you.
From an Island with a great beach community called Leamington~
We are,
Robbie Bunting & Jane Hyers
P.S. +++Click Here+++for the entire Island Market Trend report including homes, villas and lots – December 2009.
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