We love this time of year.  The pace is slower, the properties are better and the negotiations more relaxed.  If you are a seller, there are steps that we can take to close out your property by year end.  If you are a buyer there are present opportunities that are available now that will be gone come the new year. 


Why Buy Hilton Head Property before year end!

  • Interest Rates are Low
  • Prices are low
  • Selection is at its best
  • Sellers are more motivated to close out by year end
  • The elections and hurricane are over
  • The longer the hold the better the deal with these present interest rates
  • Banks are paying practically nothing on passbook savings
  • It is easier to get the property ready and into a rental program for a successful season ahead
  • If you are closing by December 31st, you can deduct your equity costs and property taxes on your income tax return.
  • The moving and closing process can be easier in the winter months on Hilton Head Island
Why Sell Hilton Head Property before year end?
  • Write off the loss or gain in the current calendar year
  • Less properties listed for sale, therefore less competition for at this time of year
  • Many homeowners look to sell at year-end in order to get a tax deduction when buying new homes.
  • Properties look their best during the Holidays
  • More serious qualified buyers look during the off season on Hilton Head Island although there are fewer showings the buyers are better!
  • Investors typically purchase real estate in the off season and are motivated to close by year end
  • January is one oft the biggest transfer months because many buyers take advantage of off season opportunities
  • The internet has created an off season market for real estate on Hilton Head Island

Timing is everything for Buyers and Sellers 

No matter who you are a Hilton Head buyer or seller, there is still time to buy or sell between now and the end of the year.  Give us a call 800-932-3652 or shoot us an email for a market analysis and update.