Short Sale Specialist on Hilton Head
If you are interested in finding out more about short sales and the benefits, please call or email us today. We have available local Hilton Head short sale specialist and investors that may be able to prevent foreclosue. Read below their checklist and call us!
Qualifying Questions for a Short Sale:
- Are payments currently being made? If not, when did they stop?
- Has the bank filed a Notice of Default yet (a certified letter would have arrived)?
- Is there a Sherrif Sale/Auction date? If so, when is it?
- How many mortgages are there? What are the approximate balances owed on each?
- Who are the mortgage company(s)?
- Are taxes being paid with the mortgage payment (escrowed) or is the homeowner responsible for them separate? Are they current or delinquent?
- Are there any other judgments or liens that the seller is aware of (child support/alimony, credit cards, back taxes owed, homeowner association dues, etc.)?
- Is the house currently listed on the market with a Realtor? (If so, what is the list price, when was it listed, and how has the showing activity been?)
- Have any offers/contracts been presented the bank yet? (If so, how much was the offer and what was the bank’s response?
- Who is on title(deed)? And who is on the actual mortgage? Who signed the note?
- Was this a primary residence or an investment property (or 2nd/vacation home)?
- Is the property currently vacant? (If not, who is presently living there?)
If you would like to talk to our short sale specialist, please email or call direct at (843)842-0803 and we will put you in touch. We have investors available to buy short sales with little notice. There is no reason to let your home go to foreclosure without talking to our specialist. Thank you.
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