Thoughts to share with our sellers!
Looking back on the year, there were many things we were able to learn along the way. Fortunately the Hilton Head Real Estate market continues to move as buyers breathe in confidence in the economy or just decide to make their move. We appreciate our sellers and all the things they are going through as we work together to get their property sold. Posted below are just a few thoughts we would like to share with our sellers.
Ideas to Share with our Hilton Head Sellers
We can’t sell it if they can’t see it. By saying no to a showing, a Hilton Head seller may be moving themselves to the back of the line in the sales cycle because of the seasonality of this market. We will do our very best to accommodate our sellers and we promise to be flexible to your needs, but please say yes to a showing.
The first offer is always the best offer. If there is over over 7 months of inventory, the first offer is often the best offer! The law of diminishing returns also occurs with every property as it sits on the market. If a seller gets an offer, but wants to kick the ball down the street and wait for a better offer they may end up settling for less later on.
Don’t rent your property when it is listed for sale. The agenda of a renter is much different than the agenda of a seller. A tenant wants to enjoy the space and really is not motivated to sell the roof over their head. No matter what type of rental (long term or vacation), there is no benefit to a motivated seller in renting their property.
We are on the same team! We are putting a lot of effort into the sales process and will be working with you to get your property sold. This means we will be making recommendations in the beginning and along the way that will help us get your property sold. Please take these recommendations seriously.
Your real estate “friend” may not be an expert in this market. Every real estate market is different and while we don’t mind your real estate friend calling, they typically know very little when it comes to marketing on an Island with a total population of only 37,000 full time residents. The Hilton Head real estate market is fueled by the 2.5 million annual visitors and is therefore very different than most markets.
We are contingency fee based. This means we do not get paid or reimbursed for our marketing expenses unless we successfully sell your property. Before we ever get paid, we are spending thousands of dollars to market our properties. Our marketing dollars go towards Internet Marketing Programs, mailings, Postcard Sample, Marketing World Wide and emailing/phoning agents weekly. We will not be beat by marketing!
Hilton Head Island Realtor
We look forward to working with you. Our properties are fabulous and our marketing is getting the job done for our sellers. Feel free to visit our website or call anytime. Thank you.
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