Turtle Nest Update May 18, 2015
May 18, 2015
Hi, Turtle Fans,
We are up to 19 nests – 7 were laid just today! Great start to the season!
Some of you are wondering if the beach renourishment has an effect on the nesting of the sea turtles. Today was a perfect example: The mother of Nest # 14 in Port Royal Plantation came ashore and dragged her way up to the high tide line.
But she did not stop there…..She climbed up over the spartina, onto the new dune and kept on going,
and going,
and going…..
and going…..
and finally laid her nest where the high tide line was BEFORE the beach renourishment – 150 yards from the shore!
Wow – that is persistence!
Stay tuned –
Andrea B. Siebold
Sea Turtle Nest Adoption Coordinator
Hilton Head Island Sea Turtle Protection Project
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