Hilton Head or Bust!Activity has been brisk in the Hilton Head Real Estate Market at a time when sales are typically slower. Confidences have been on the increase and buyers recognize some of the best discounts by purchasing in December and January in the Hilton Head Area.  Add the post recession pricing, great properties and low interest rates and these could be very strong sales months ahead.

All Part of the same Foodchain

It has been said that Hilton Head Island is a bit more insulated from recessions than other areas.  Meaning we do not feel the smaller bumps in the national economy, but we sure felt the last one.  The point is, we now have sellers that have sold their property in other areas making a move on our properties.  As well, 1031 tax deferred exchanges are once again moving money into our Hilton Head Real Estate Market.  Bottom line is the food chain is cranking up again, providing Hilton Head with buyers.

Rippin Deals in Hilton Head Island Real Estate

Just print out the history of any Hilton Head Property to see the deals some the buyers today are getting.  Yesterday we were showing 1-2 million dollar homes and one property we toured was priced 50% higher than the current asking price. This same property was priced below the actual costs of replacement, not even factoring the value for the land.  If you are a buyer, you did not miss the market…yet!

Now is the Time to Buy!

Give us Two days to prove it!  If you have two days in the next two months, let us show you.  Drive or fly, spend the afternoon with us looking at properties, stay in a first class hotel on the beach at our corporate rate, look at a few more properties in the morning and we are sure you will be convinced.  Please fill out the form below and let us know the dates you would like to travel.  Thank you.