Hilton Head Pre-Visit Approval

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There will be no pity in be-back city for Hilton Head buyers after this summer.   While many have been lucky the last few years in delaying their Hilton Head purchasing decision, market research shows supply dropping as buyers get off the fence.  Buyer confidence is building and even higher priced properties are dropping in supply shown by the table below.  Looks like local REALTORS, lenders, inspectors and attorneys are going to have a HOT summer on Hilton Head in 2013! Read the rest of this entry

Short Sellers ~ No time to Procrastinate

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If you are a seller and you owe more than your house is worth, you may not want to kick the ball down the street until next year.  The debt forgiveness bill that expires in 2012 for permanent residences is something sellers should take a serious look at.  For example, if I purchased a home for $200,000 and then sold it at market value for $100,000, I would not have to pay taxes on what is considered $100,000 in earnings.  After December 2012, this may no longer be available to borrowers!    Read the rest of this entry

Do you have a Financial Strategy for Hilton Head?

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The fence that buyers and sellers have been sitting on is coming down and no longer is it an easy place to get a seat.  Interest rates are the lowest in years and we recommend watching this video and scheduling a financial strategy session with David Crowell

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