Choose Mortgage Representatives in the Hilton Head Area

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If you are planning on purchasing property in the Hilton Head area and wish to simplify the financing process, choose local mortgage representatives in the Hilton Head Area.  A neighbor back home or a friend that works for XYZ bank will be challenged by Hilton Head’s special property characteristics.  A local mortgage rep can better assist a buyer navigating these local waters.

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Half time on Hilton Head – Financing Update 2011

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Every year we ask our trusted and local Hilton Head advisors to take a look at where we have been to get a better understanding of where we may be going.  These market trends help us better adapt to this changing market and help us guide our clients and customers as they research the Hilton Head Real Estate Market.  Below is the real estate financing update and video. Read the rest of this entry

Halftime 2010 – Financing on Hilton Head Island

Be the first to comment on this post Categories: Communities and Areas, Taxes, Insurance and Ownership Expenses

A note from David Crowell at Mortgage Network

Mortgage Network is a good barometer of what is actually happening in local markets. We see more borrowers ( both for purchase and for refinance) than any of the Banks. Here is what we are seeing: Read the rest of this entry

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