Spring Cleaning on Hilton Head Island

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It’s time for spring cleaning.  Listed below are a few Hilton Head vendors that can help you get your property ready for season or ready for sale.  These vendors cover everything from cleaning, furnishing or remodeling.  If you are thinking about selling, buyers today no longer will even make an offer to buy a property that is in need of repair or updating, they simply move on to the next property for sale.

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Home Staging on Hilton Head Island!

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Interested in Moving on Hilton Head Island

There are only three reasons why a property does not sell.  These reasons are condition, location and price.  In today’s market you need all three to cause a sale(although price will always fix the other two).  Kalyani with www.HomeStagingInParadise.com recently helped us take a home from a good first impression to a great first impression.  Even if you are not planning on moving and just want a change, staging can provide a whole new feeling.  For our seller clients we give Kalyani two thumbs up!

Here is a note from Kalyani:
I wanted to thank you for the opportunity to Stage your gorgeous new listing.  Selling the home to the first buyer that viewed it after Staging is certainly a testimony to the virtues of Staging!  We created a more universally appealing home that more buyers can visualize themselves living in. I am so thrilled to have been a part of the transformation.
As a previous Realtor I understand that Staging alone is typically not the only thing that sells a home. It is a combination of the expertise of the Realtor as well as the Sellers pricing their home to compete in the current market. This, in addition to Staging the home appeal to as many buyers as possible, helps to sell homes quicker and for more money.
When I went to the home to take my “after pictures” the seller told me that the home had been listed with another Realtor for an extended period of time before they listed with you. She was amazed that the other agent had never mentioned Staging especially in light of how quickly we got an offer.
Thanks again for contacting Home Staging In Paradise and I look forward to our next successful partnership!

Best Wishes,

Kalyani Persons
Home Staging In Paradise

Real Estate 101 on Hilton Head Island!

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Dear Clients, Friends & Fellow Associates ~

A long time ago, a fellow agent pulled me aside and said, “Robbie, clients do not care know how much you know, until they know how much you care!”  This has helped shaped my future dealings with all buyers and sellers.  Along the way though I have also learned that buyers and sellers want a few basics before they get down to business.  These include competency, confidence and an intent statement that become a road map for the sales process to flow smoothly.

Competence on Hilton Head Island

The competency statement is a chance to provide the seller or buyer with your resume and credentials.  It needs to be factual and straight to the point.  One I have used is, “Before we get started you probably have some questions about me.  I have been a REALTOR now for over 24 years on the Island (new agents should use company credentials i.e. My company has been in real estate since 1979)and have been serving clients just like you through these years.  I love what I do and have a great assistant and company that backs me up every step of the way.   I work hard to know the current market, the opportunities it presents and am able to advise and help you achieve your goals.  OK, lets get started”  Every agent should have a competency statement prepared.  It does not have to be canned, it just needs to be conveyed in the beginning as they do not know who you are!

Confidence on Hilton Head Island

You have one shot at a good first impression.  Through the years I have learned in Real Estate that there are certain freebies for REALTORS and the first impression is an easy one.  Freebies for Realtors include being prepared, appropriate dress, clean automobiles, being on time, and a postitive attitude.  Confidence is an inside job, but some confidence builders include smile,  hang out with positive agents, attend presentations by your Board, read positive material(www.bloghiltonhead), listen to motivation tapes, and skip the headlines.

Intent in Hilton Head Island

Before an agent should ever interview for a listing or show property, they need to establish intent with their client.  An intent statement is as simple as asking a purchaser if they have their “checkbook” before showing any property.  Here is one I have used, “Today we are going to see some great properties.  If we discover a property that  matches your needs now or in the future, I am going to ask you to buy”  Is that OK with you?”  The beauty of a good intent statement is that it allows everyone to relax through the process and unites the agent with their client in a common goal.

Bottom Line

As professionals, competency and intent statements can make the difference between making a friend and also making a sale.  Good Luck and… 

Happy Selling!!!

Robbie Bunting & Jane Hyers


Great Listings t0 practice with  http://www.robbiebunting.com/listings.asp

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