August 23, 2016

Hi, Sea Turtle Friends

A few quick updates:

  1. We are settled in at 403 nests on the Hilton Head Island ocean beaches (one more very late arrival this week!).  There are several more nests along Port Royal Sound which will be added in for the final count.  However, we did have some excitement at one of the 75 day nests – there was one little hatchling found still in the nest – and it was an albino!!  Amazing – have never seen one before, but he is now swimming out in the ocean!

Albino Sea Turtle





  1. Flashlights and sea turtles:  regular flashlights on the beach at night will distract the sea turtle hatchlings from going to the ocean – they will immediately head toward the flashlight, and will not re-direct to the sea.  So, we need your help – if you see someone on the beach at night using a regular flashlight, please tell them to use a sea turtle friendly flashlight.  (Either covered in red or a special red light turtle-safe flashlight – various styles available at the museum or Amazon.)

No Lights




  1. I will write to you again in 3 weeks or so – by that time, we should have some DNA information to share!
  1. In the meantime, I will be keeping you informed about your particular nest.  Many of the nests have hatched (about 58% so far) but there are many more to go…….

Enjoy the end of the summer – and remember:  Lights out for Sea Turtles – including flashlights


Andrea B. Siebold

Sea Turtle Nest Adoption Coordinator

Hilton Head Island Sea Turtle Protection Project


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