Hilton Head Sellers Need To Dive In!

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How liquid is your Hilton Head Real Estate?Some of our Hilton Head sellers may be a bit shell shy after the last few years with hardly a nibble, but given the current state of the market, sellers need to know the market is moving.  Might be hard to get back on the horse that threw you, but timing is on a sellers side for Hilton Head Vacation Homes and Residential properties…right now.

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Musical Chairs on Hilton Head

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When the music stops playing, will you have a Hilton Head, Daufuskie or Bluffton Property?   Inventory, prices, properties, locations, condition and interest rates are all subject to change without notice when it comes to Hilton Head Real Estate!  Right now interest rates, better than great pricing and premier locations are all available.  When one or the other of these start disappearing we expect to see crocodile tears in the Low-Country! Read the rest of this entry

No Cliffs on Hilton Head Island

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Most Hilton Head buyers base their purchasing decision more on emotion than logic.  As we drive around the Island, Hilton Head buyers rarely ask how much mortgage interest they get on this one or that one.  While the mortgage interest deduction is important, its not the main reason to own a great property on Hilton Head.  There are other reasons and with over 10,000 baby boomers turning 65 everyday we do expect to get calls even if the Bush Era Tax does expires.  Hopefully it does not. Read the rest of this entry

Hilton Head Real Estate Market on a slow roll!

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Some Hilton Head buyers and sellers may be shell shy from the past few years, but they need to get over it if they want to take advantage of timing their real estate move.  Hilton Head Inventories are dropping and for buyers and sellers it is time to jump back into the real estate market.  The past has shown us that the fear of future events is greater than the reality as we move out of the housing recession, elections and anything else that stands in the way of the housing recovery.  The Hilton Head housing market is on a slow roll. Read the rest of this entry

Three Times a Charm ~ Hilton Head Island, SC

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A client of ours just completed their third transaction and wrote the testimonial(s) below.  This was especially wonderful as this seller put their belief in us and we helped them achieve their goals in their third transaction.  We would love to share with you our passion for exceeding expectations and it is our hope that you will contact us for a pre listing interview via phone or in person.  Thank you.

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Hilton Head Properties ~ Robbie Bunting

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Join our blog and instantly know what it’s like to live in one of the most desirable cities in the Southeast United States – Hilton Head Island, South Carolina! By becoming a fan of our facebook page, Hilton Head Homes and Communities you have a front row seat for all that life has to offer here in the Lowcountry of South Carolina! From great places on Robbies Restaurant Guide, fantastic things to do, breath-taking photography, to everything you need to know about Hilton Head real estate… we have it all! Read the rest of this entry

Hilton Head Island, SC ~ Top 10 Reasons to Sell in 2012

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While no one has a crystal ball, the current Hilton Head Real Estate Market offers sellers some excellent opportunities this year. There is no reason to kick the ball down the street and wait until next year to sell. In fact, if you are listed for sale and or thinking of selling, you may want to consider these selling reasons in 2012.

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Hilton Head Island, SC ~ Flood Insurance Extension

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Flood Insurance ~ Hilton Head Island, SC

Flood insurance coverage is purchased separately from homeowner’s coverage. The primary flood insurance comes from the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) which is underwritten by our Federal Government and administered by FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency.  The maximum limits of primary flood coverage available in the Hilton Head Area is $250,000 coverage for a building and $100,000 coverage for its eligible contents(typically no more than $365 per year for maximum coverage). Flood insurance is a low cost way to secure coverage to repair or replace improved and personal property if they are damaged by flooding.

Good News Flood Insurance Extension

The U.S. Senate has passed a 60-day extension of the National Flood Insurance Program, avoiding a lapse in coverage due to expire May 31.   While this is temporary good news, the National Association of REALTORS® is firmly committed to working with Congress to pass a 5-year extension of the program.

Favorite Five $1,000 Coupon

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Thanks to all those that have sent referrals recently.  We have sent out the information below to your friends and family and will keep you posted on their interest.  If you would like to save $1,000 big ones on your next transaction with us and have not sent in your 5 names and emails, take a minute now and send us your favorite 5!  We will send the coupon to you and your friends as a thank you!
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Hilton Head’s Bottom’s Showing

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Don’t miss Hilton Head’s bottom. In case you have not heard sales are increasing and inventories are decreasing in the Hilton Head Market.  This of course will not help the seller that lives in denial awaiting 2007 prices again, but it will have impact on the seller that has been waiting around with a fair value for the location and condition their property offers on Hilton Head Island.

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