Need Comparables for your Hilton Head property?
Be the first to comment on this post Categories: Taxes, Insurance and Ownership ExpensesHilton Head Island, SC – Many Hilton Head property owners have called or emailed recently for comparables because of their recent Beaufort County Reassessment. If you would like a list of applicable comparable properties, please email me at . Below is an email we received recently. Just let us know if you would like some help. It is very easy for us to gather this information for you if it is available. Thank you.
- “We received out countywide reassessment for property tax and want to appeal it. They have assessed the home at $XXX,XXX for tax purposes. As part of the appeal, we have to send in comparables. Are you able to send some along for us to use? Thanks so much!”
Taxes on Hilton Head Island ~ A tale of two taxes
1 Comment | Leave A Comment Categories: Communities and Areas, Taxes, Insurance and Ownership ExpensesHere is the latest on our property taxes from my friend and accountant Bob Arundell. If you wish to contact him or ask him a question, Bob can be reached at (843)785-8040 or his email is
A lot of people came away from a recent article about an adjustment to the School District’s tax mill rate with the idea that their tax bill, when compared to last year’s tax bill, was going up. THAT IS NOT CORRECT.
The complexity and nuances of public education funding makes it real easy for the average person to arrive at an erroneous conclusion.
I did a presentation to the Chamber of Commerce’s Government Affairs Committee and used a hand-out that I thought you might find useful. It explains what really happened and why, on average, your taxes did not go up. Click on the underlined link to read more: BCSD – Tale of Two Taxes
Call me if you have any questions.
Bob Arundell
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