Some of our Hilton Head sellers may be a bit shell shy after the last few years with hardly a nibble, but given the current state of the market, sellers need to get back on the horse that threw them. Some sellers think they should take a break and this is the opposite of what they should be doing right now. Rising interest rates will slow down buyers and sellers need to take advantage of the current timing. The favorable factors for selling have gotten a whole lot better, and this is a sellers alert!
Palmetto Hall is a community defined by size and brought together with a flexible membership. Located on Hilton Head Island with subtropical temperatures, 12 miles of beautiful beaches, wonderful shops, great restaurants, fantastic schools, a Hospital, Airport and Library, Palmetto Hall is in the center of it all! Palmetto Hall is a located on the north end of the Island and offers homes and home sites on fairways, lagoons and forests.
Hard to believe 70 degree days in January on Hilton Head Island. It’s easy to survive a winter here. Hilton Head’s weather is subtropical and yes the palm trees are native. What folks don’t realize is the seasons of the Island. Winter can be a few days, a few weeks or a few months but it is the smallest of the four seasons. Although it’s nice to have a change of seasons and we have to dig out the winter jacket, it never lasts long. Soon we will be into spring which is one of the two largest seasons. Than into summer with breezes that blow across the Atlantic and keep us cool! Nothing wrong with this Island, nothing!
Update October 30, 2012 ~ I love calling prospects in the north after a big snow storm and talking about the weather on Hilton Head. I mention the blue skys, apologize for the 6o degree temperatures, but tell them its supposed to be warming up, you know. The photo to the left was sent to me today from a client from West Virginia today. Not only is our Hilton Head weather good, we shovel a lot of sunshine on Hilton Head Island with over 200 days of sunshine. Read the rest of this entry
We are blessed to live in such a wonderful place. That being said, we have read and watched the news lately and we want you to know that we are still selling properties on this wonderful Island. Last Month my company sold 10 million dollars, nearly 1/3 the total number of sales for all of Hilton Head Island. If you would the real estate news that is right and not embellished let Jane or I know. Simply email us and request “market trends”.
As well, we suggest going to or for accurate weather information. Todays weather is breezy and cloudy and yes…the market is good. Just yesterday we sold another beautiful home on Hilton Head Island that overlooked a golf green and had a kitchen that was straight out of Home Beautiful. Simply said, “The pickins are good and there are deals to be had”
Our advice to you is to Ignore the Headlines when it comes to weather and real estate and our weather. It’s another beautiful day on Hilton Head, how can we help you?
Happy Hilton Head!
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