Hilton Head Island ~ Think Real Estate TRADE in 2012

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We just helped a customer trade his home for a bigger and better home.  The seller of the bigger and better home took the smaller home(they wanted to downsize) in trade and were paid the difference in cash by the buyer.  If you are moving up or down in the market, trades are a great way to make a move without having to wait and sell your exisitng property to move to the replacement property.  Trades thrive in a market with available inventory. Read the rest of this entry

Trade your Property on Hilton Head

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Trades allow sellers and buyers to move fast in a slower market.  Trades can work when you have a buyer and seller that work from an current market value, appraised value, a retail value or a wholesale value.  Buyers and sellers must work from the same value method and be on the same page for the trade to work.  A one sided trade never works.  

Send us your Hilton Head Address

We have properties offered by sellers that will trade throughout the area.  These properties include  homes, villas or lots that may have interest in trading.  If you have interest in finding out  more, please email us at robbie@robbiebunting.com.   Thank you.

 Happy Trading !
Robbie Bunting &
Jane Hyers


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