Greetings from Hilton Head IslandJ


We invite you to join the E-Club!  This monthly and brief email will include current events with links to areas that interest you, including:


  • Best Restaurants – Find the best early bird or discover The Islander’s favorite restaurants and the entres they specialize in with this link
  • Trade Opportunities – This link will include trade properties like those that are on the enclosed list.  (See the attached Palmetto Dunes Trades.)
  • Red Hot Deals – This link will be updated with real estate deals, not just our best buys!
  • Real Estate Links – This link will help you remodel, rent, or repair anything in your home or villa including special reports from real estate gurus. 
  • New Offerings-  New ground floor properties as they come up can be found on this link.
  • Sellers Trends – This link will include trends to help sellers like the simple table attached. (See the attached Sellers Trends Sheet.)
  • Accommodations – Rent direct and save $$$.  This link will include home and villa rentals direct from our owners or discounts @ Hilton, Marriott, or Westin Resorts.
  • Current Events– When we send out our email club newsletter, the one paragraph hello will include a list of current events on the Island in the month ahead.

Please help us and refer this club to a friend who may benefit from its resources. (And if this email club was recommended to you and you would like to join our mailing, simply email us today!)  Thank you.  I hope you find the information I provide valuable in achieving your Island goals and dreams.



Robbie Bunting &

Jane Hyers

P.S.  Sign up in the next 30 days and you will receive a free one year AHS warranty with your next sale or purchase with us as a thank you for joining our E-Club J