Appraise your Hilton Head Property.
Dear Friends, Clients and Fellow Associates~
I have many clients that look to evaluate their real estate holdings every year for their estate. Some of my clients are satisfied with a brokers opinion, others want a more formal document. In fact, if you own property right now one very good reason to have your property appraised is to take advantage of the very low interest rates available. Below is a recommended appraiser and all round good guy that can help you with this process.
Real Estate Appraisals on Hilton Head Island
There are many reasons for an appraisal such as: Insured Value Updates, Estates, Trusts, Dissolution Values, Tax Appeals, Listing Price Opinions, Purchase Offers, Purchases, and Mortgages. Most identify the need for an Appraisal with a Mortgage Loan.
The past few years have been the most challenging since I began my Island Area Appraisal Career in 1988. Many in the profession have seen an increase in requests for Listing Price Opinions. Most Property Owners requesting a Listing Price Opinion are tired of not receiving offers, confused by a wide range in suggested listing prices, or just over exposed to our many real estate advertising outlets. Sellers just want an opinion from someone who is independent and won’t profit by the outcome.
When I take an assignment, I explain that the outcome of the Appraisal is between the Property Owner and the Appraiser. The Appraisal outcome is only disclosed to another party if requested by the Property Owner. Additionally, Federal Regulations prohibit the use of the Appraisal for Lending if ordered by anyone other than the Lending Institution. Finally, an Appraisal is time sensitive since it is based on a point in time in an ever changing market.
Hope this helps, Bruce.
Bruce A. Goff, Owner Bruce A. Goff, Inc.
PO Box 4652 / Hilton Head Island, SC 29938
SC Professional Appraisers Coalition, Board/Past Chairman
SC State Certified Residential Real Estate Appraiser, CR29
Licensed SC Real Estate Broker / SC Real Estate & Appraiser Instructor
Voice: (843) 686-4444 / Cell: (843) 683-4444 / Fax: (843) 686-4858
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