Networking can save the Heritage on Hilton Head!

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The Heritage is Tradition

As an Islander the Heritage is about an Island, it’s a celebration of spring, it is azaleas blooming, suntans, happy people and living in the Low Country.  It has become bigger than a great PGA golf tournament at the Harbour Town Golf Links.  The tournament has given everyone of us something to be proud of, something to be grateful for, something to share and celebrate and it belongs here on Hilton Head Island. Read the rest of this entry

Top 10 Holiday “To Dos” on Hilton Head Island!

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 Enjoy Your Hilton Head Holiday!

All the best to you and your family!!!

Robbie Bunting & Jane Hyers


Hilton Head’s Beach is #1

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Hilton Head Island most Valuable Attribute

Hilton Head Island’s Beaches have now been ranked as #1 in the US by Fox News.  If you would like to visit Hilton Head Island or feel the beach beckoning you to return, give us a call at 800-932-3652 or shoot us an email as we have many special corporate discount packages at the oceanfront resorts and owners that rent direct!

Hilton Head Kiwanis Rib Burnoff this Weekend

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The Kiwanis Club sponsors Hilton Head’s premier BBQ event this weekend.

The fields at the Coastal Discovery Museum at Honey Horn spring to life with the wonderful smells of hickory stoked fires, slow cooked ribs and pulled pork.  Hundreds of residents and visitors join the Kiwanis Clubs to raise funds for local children’s charities, to enjoy some downhome music and to enjoy some of the South’s best BBQ. Read the rest of this entry

Earth Day 2010 ~ Daufuskie Island ~ April 24, 2010

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More Buyers Seek Mother-in-Law Suites – REALTOR Magazine-Daily News

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REALTOR Magazine-Daily News-More Buyers Seek Mother-in-Law Suites.

REALTOR� Magazine-Daily News-Shadow Inventory Unlikely to Hurt Market

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REALTOR� Magazine-Daily News-Shadow Inventory Unlikely to Hurt Market.

Final Call for Restaurant Week on Hilton Head Island!

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Enjoy the 2nd Annual Restaurant week on Hilton Head Island!

Make plans to go out this weekend on Hilton Head!  Restaurant Week(Jan 23-30) on Hilton Head features local participating restaurants which will be offering specially price-fixed “prix fixe” menus. To make a reservation, or to find out specific information about each restaurant’s menu, please contact the restaurant directly

Thank you and bon appetit!

P.S.  If you are in town and would like to take advantage of the best real estate timing, please be sure to contact us!

Buy more on Hilton Head Island 3/50!

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Here is a great formula that helps your local community stay local and it is not too difficult.  When was the last time you visited a local studio, attended a gallery hop or spent $50 in a local market or shop.  These shops are the backbone to our tourism industry.  So attend the gallery hop or this weekend enjoy the local shops.  You will make a difference.

Have you heard about the 3/50 Project? 

An amazingly easy formula designed to save the brick and mortar our nation is built on.
Here’s how it works:


Pick three locally-owned businesses you’d hate to see disappear, and visit them. Pick up a little something that makes you happy.  You are keeping the shop in business today.


Commit $50 each month to supporting locally-owned businesses, shops or restaurants.  If half of the employed in the US would do that, we’d generate more than $42 billion each year for our local entrepreneurs.


With each $100 we spend in locally-owned businesses, $68 stays within our community.  Big box stores? Only $43.  Internet shopping?  You guessed it… nada. 

It’s that simple.

TANSTAAFL on Hilton Head, but…

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Dear Clients, Friends and Fellow Associates~ The initials “T A N S T A A F L” stand for There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch.  Although nothing is free, the goal of any business is to attract new business through advertising or free promotions.  That said, we asked businesses owners that we know and trust to give us a special that we could offer you.  If you have any questions or would like additional suggestions, please let us know.  We hope you enjoy…


Bistro 17 ~ FREE Bottle of Bistro Wine with purchase of 2 entrees at dinner or 10% off Lunch.  Located in Shelter Cove Harbour.


Designing to Sell ~ FREE 1 hour consultation that includes furniture re-arrangement and design consultation.  (843)301-3226


Pana Roofing ~ “FREE” roof cleaning and inspection program.  Please email or call them to schedule an appointment. (843)682-2440


Hilton Head Prime ~ $25 off Dinner at HH Prime at the Oceanfront Hilton! Father’s Day or any day from 6/14 through 6/28/2009.  Just sign up for their email updates on special events and your $25 off dinner coupon will be waiting for you at HH Prime!


Mortgage Network ~ “FREE” One Hour private Consultation with David Crowell~ Mortgage tune up or new purchase includes pitfalls to look out for and opportunities ahead.  Client for life program w/FREE Refi’s call (843)842-4004


Coastal Pools and Fountains, Inc ~ FREE pool design and setback review for home and lot owners.  FREE pool owners first months service with one year contract and FREE standard tile replacement with re-plaster of pool. (843)686-4812 or


Bunting Construction Company ~ FREE garage floor painting included with new home construction contracts over $500,000. Offer valid 6/1/09-12/31/09 (843)384-7468 or


Free $8,000 Tax Credit ~ FHA-approved lenders were recently given the green light to develop bridge-loan products that would allow first-time buyers (anyone who has not owned a home in the last three years) to use the benefits of the federal tax credit “upfront.”  Contact me (800)932-3652 or


Home or Villa Buyers ~ FREE one year home warranty for buyers after purchase and for sellers during the listing period.  This $550 value is paid for at closing and costs sellers nothing if I do not sell their property.  (800)932-3652 or


Studio V Yoga ~ FREE first session Yoga on the beach for all levels with the mention of this ad. Wednesdays at 9:00 a.m. Meet on the Holiday Inn Beach to the right of the Tiki hut when facing the ocean. Bring a large beach towel.  Call Karen (843)816-3777


Rental Property Buyers ~  FREE Rental Website (Vacation Rental By Owner VRBO) when you purchase a rental property with us.  This includes photos, description, a how to use session and first year payment.  (800)932-3652 or


Pro-Photo ~ 20% off vacation or family professional photos by Scott Moody.  This offer is for the sitting fee at Pro Photo.  Located on Arrow Road past Salty Dog T-Shirt Factory.


Masterkey Lock Service ~ $10.00 off the first service call with the mention of this e-mail ad.  Call Richard at (843)684-0688


Professional Cleaning Services ~ 25% off the first deep clean for homes or villas and 20% off your first regular home or villa cleaning.  Call Zaida Lopez at (843)684-0257


Professional Painting Services ~ 20% off the first paint quote interior or exterior with the mention of this email ad.  Call Roberto Lopez at (843)689-9657


Gentle Spray Powerwash ~ 25% off the power wash of your home or villa with the mention of this email ad.  (843)671-2929


Santa Fe Restaurant ~ Free Appetizer when two or more dinner entrees are ordered(first time with the mention of this email ad.) Offer not for use with any other discounts or specials. (843)785-3838 


Regions Bank ~ Free with no monthly fee LifeGreen Checking Accounts for students and people over 50.  Includes a Check Card  and  direct deposit or 5 electronic transactions per month or Online Statements (otherwise $5 monthly fee).  (843) 785-5649


We hope you avail yourself to the businesses and the people that have stepped forward with these offers for you.  If you have any questions or comments feel free to call or email us anytime.   Be sure to tell them “Robbie & Jane” sent you.  Thank you.


Have fun!


Robbie Bunting * Jane Hyers

Phone             800-932-3652 ~ 842-0805

Before you print this e-mail, please think of our environment. Thanks!

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