Why own a home on Hilton Head Island?

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Jane and I have recently been flush with cash buyers purchasing homes on Hilton Head Island.  One buyer told me she was getting .90 basis points on her money and figured she might as well buy a house on Hilton Head and put her money to use and at least have fun with it.  Our buyers are tired of the stock market emotional roller coaster and when they have put their money in the bank they are getting practically nothing.  They are finally turning to the one asset class where they can enjoy the fruits of their labor.  Their mantra is Buy Now, Retire Later. Read the rest of this entry

October brings cash buyers to the table on Hilton Head

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Cash buyers are heading to the closing table in October.  One of our buyers said it this way, “Real estate represents an asset class that is undervalued, stocks are too volatile and the banks are paying us nothing on our savings, so we might as well do something fun with this money.”   This buyer was our 4th cash buyer in October.  It is our hope this trend continues! Read the rest of this entry

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