This grass is always greener on Hilton Head Island
Be the first to comment on this post Categories: Hilton Head Business Partners, Off Topic Hilton Head AreaSt. Patrick’s Day is Thursday and most of us have noticed our yards greening up as the days are getting longer and warmer. With spring in full action, now is a good time to be thinking of getting your yard into shape for this coming year. March is the best time to give your yard and shrubs the first fertilizer of the year. This has been a very cold winter for us and some cold damage may have been done to your plants around the house and may need replaced. Last year was also a very tough year on lawns from damaging insects and rampant fungus, unfortunately because we live in the South, sometimes the best solution is lawn replacement. When replacing sod there are some precautionary procedures that can be done to give your sod the best chances for thriving, that are not normally recommended by your average maintenance provider. Read the rest of this entry
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