How to buy a HOT property on Hilton Head Island

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Hot properties attract multiple buyers and real estate agents on Hilton Head Island.  If you are looking to buy a bargain in real estate, you must be prepared to act fast.  If you snooze, you lose! We have put together a check list to get a buyer in position to POUNCE on the next HOT property on Hilton Head Island.  Keep in mind if the asking price is substantially under value, the real estate market will bid it over asking price.   The only way to win the bidding war is to take aggressive steps and move fast.  Read the rest of this entry

Attention Rental Property Owners on Hilton Head Island

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Do you have a second home on Hilton Head that you do not rent?

In January many second homeowners received a personal property tax bill from Beaufort County.  If your home continues to be a second home and is not on the rental market, you may have been charged in error.  Please look back to see if you received a personal property tax bill in the last month from Beaufort County, and contact them if this was an error.  If you have paid the bill, you will be reimbursed.

Do you have a rental home on Hilton Head?

If your home is on the rental market, you are to be charged a personal property tax, however it should be based on the value of the furniture.  Because of a new internal system in the County, a Rental Residential Return questionnaire did not get sent to all six-percent residential property owners prior to the tax bill, and a formula based on the building value of your home was used.  The amount charged, may not have truly reflected the value of your furnishings.

You may contact the Beaufort County Auditors office with your questions and inquires at:

Beaufort Office:
100 Ribaut Rd Suite 160
Beaufort, SC 29902
PO Box 458
Beaufort, SC 29901
Phone:  (843) 255-2500
Fax:     (843) 255-9409

Confidence in Building on Hilton Head Island

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The construction industry on Hilton Head is looking up for 2011, especially in the second home market.  The Wall Street journal stated that the second home market is on the rise and mentioned that Hilton Head Island is no exception. Read the rest of this entry

2011 Long Term Rental Trends ~ Hilton Head Island

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2010 was a good year for long term rentals with increased demand.  This was due in part as a result of the economy with people not qualifying for home mortgages and people losing homes to short sales or foreclosure.  Another factor that helped with the demand for rentals were people who owned a home and sold their home, lost their equity due to the devaluing of the property and no longer have the funds to purchase another home. Read the rest of this entry

Build on Hilton Head Island under $500,000!

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Build a New Home on Hilton Head for less than $500,000 including the lot!If you have been searching for a new home in the Hilton Head Area under $500,000, we have designed a program to help you.  We have scouted the area and found a Top builder that will construct a brand new home for $499,000 including the cost of the land*.  This price is based on several homesites we have identified in Palmetto Hall on Hilton Head Island that are offered below $100,000.  An appraiser on Hilton Head recently said “I think in 2011 the smart buyers will realize that with lot prices so low building will be a great alternative.” Read the rest of this entry

Hilton Head Market Trends To Watch in 2011 by a local Appraiser

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We are seeing a slowing in the refinancing and I guess the market thinks that we will see rates back in the 4% range.  “All my banking clients don’t see a return to those rates.  I guess I must agree that we maybe turning the corner on rates and property values”, said Bruce Goff a local appraiser on Hilton Head Island. Read the rest of this entry

How can you increase your odds of selling in Palmetto Hall on Hilton Head Island?

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Serious about Selling your Palmetto Hall Property?

Below is the year to date closed sales activity for Palmetto Hall on Hilton Head Island.  The reference includes closed homes and homesites in the selling year 2010.  All MLS agents were included and the chart shows the next closest agents in closed year to date volume as of December 21, 2010.  To contact Robbie Bunting for a property review, please email or call direct at (843)842-0805

Hilton Head Island Has Short Supply of Long Term Rental Properties

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We recently sold a home in Sea Pines to a client that purchased the property sight unseen because there is a demand for long term rental properties on Hilton Head Island.  If after reading the following, you would like for us to find some potential long term rental properties, please email us at or contact us directly at 800-932-3652.  You can also do a quick search by visiting our new website HiltonHeadRealEstateNews.  I would suggest searching 3+ bedrooms, 2+ baths, 1800+ square feet, and priced from $200-$500 and let us know if you see something interesting!  Happy Hunting!  Read what our long term rental agent has to say below: Read the rest of this entry

What’s my Hilton Head Property Really Worth?

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The end of the year is an optimal time to review the current value of your Hilton Head real estate for your portfolio purposes.  In the past few years the real estate market has changed and if you are considering selling, trading up, trading down or making other changes to your real estate portfolio, this will definitely help you make a plan.  One of the best ways to determine the present value of your Island real estate is to contact your Hilton Head Realtor. Read the rest of this entry

The more in the Hilton Head Market the better it will be!

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Are you a thermostat or a thermometer? 

In case you missed it, The Hilton Head Area Association of Realtors invited us to speak on the topic “Sales Up, Rentals Up, Are you up” with Johnny Ussery.  Together we presented the ways and reasons that we keep ourselves motivated and enthusiastic about selling Hilton Head Real Estate.  I could not believe I was on the same ticket as Johnny Ussery.  Not only is Johnny one of the most inspirational speakers on real estate in the country, his words match his passion perfectly.  He has succesfully coached salespeople in the sell out of many communities.  He inspires and moves agents into the market with a positive expectant attitude even when faced with challenge.  We have had many requests from Realtors that attended or heard about Johnny Usserys presentation and we hope to be forwarding this to you in the very near future.  In the meantime, below are some thoughts we shared: Read the rest of this entry

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