Jan 02
We loved 2018, but we are ready to jump into 2019! In the year ahead, it is our hope to remain humble and hungry as we continue to build Hilton Head Properties Realty and Rentals. Listed below are some ideas to help you maximize your enjoyment, ownership, savings, sale or rentals on Hilton Head Island. We look forward to helping you achieve your real estate dreams in 2019! Read the rest of this entry
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Dec 06
If you have ever visited Hilton Head Island, the weather, beaches, residents and natural beauty are very hard to leave behind. Living on an Hilton Head Island offers residents perks and benefits that make living here worth the big move. If you are planning on living on the Island someday, we have listed five tips for moving to Hilton Head.
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Dec 06

The U. S. Senate has passed tax reform legislation that could change the face of home ownership. The House passed its own version on tax reform on November 16. The members of the Senate and the House now must come together to agree on a final bill.
Thanks to our members’ engagement, REALTORS have helped positively influence tax reform in some key areas. For example, both the House and Senate have agreed to maintain deductibility of state and local property taxes up to $10,000, and to maintain Section 1031 tax-deferred exchanges in their present form for real estate investments.
If you would like information on this reform please click HERE. Incentives for home ownership and the capital gains tax exclusion on the sale of a home MUST be protected.
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Oct 04

It’s a good idea to shop your property insurance in the Hilton Head area. One of our clients will save $10,000 per year in flood insurance alone(with some modifications). These savings may not be available for every property, but it certainly pays to shop. This article on flood insurance could be good news for many Hilton Head home owners. If you would like some recommendations for Insurance Agencies in the Hilton Head area just let us know. We can be reached at info@hiltonheadproperties.biz or call us at (843)785-7111.
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May 18
Below is a quick “how to” apply for the 4% residential tax in the Hilton Head Area. When you purchase a property for your primary home in the Hilton Head area you can apply as soon as you close. But, keep in mind you may have to reapply in the second year if your new home had previously been a second home. Read more below.
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Mar 09
Just another reason South Carolina is a great place to live. South Carolina was tied for 5th lowest in 2016 property taxes by state.
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Jan 13
Insurance Update from Gary Davis at Hilton Head Insurance and Brokerage. The flood insurance information may be helpful if you own an older home built in the 1970’s and 1980’s. There are Sea Pines homeowners that may save on this program. Read the rest of this entry
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Sep 30
If you purchased Hilton Head Property in 2013 or 2014, and the value established by the County exceeds your purchase price, you may have a basis for an appeal. In and around August of the year after you purchased your property, you most likely received a notice stating the assessed value of your purchase. Many ignore the notice and miss the ninety day window to appeal. Good News! You still can appeal and if successful you can enjoy savings. Read the rest of this entry
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Jun 10
Many of the communities in the Hilton Head Area have fees for security, common area maintenance and some even include golf, tennis and boating. These communities are located in Bluffton, Daufuskie Island and Hilton Head Island.
Simply click on a button in the above map and the community fees associated with that area will pop up. You can also click on the upper left 3 hash lines for a list of communities to shop and compare.
We have updated the community fees on this link. Please call us anytime if you have any questions about these communities or the fees associated with them. Our office line is (843)785-7111 or you can email us at info@HiltonHeadProperties.biz. Thank You.
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Jan 07
If you own property in the Hilton Head Area, it is likely you will be dropping the tax bill and your payment into the mail before January 15, 2015. We have listed additional information, deadlines and forms for Tax Appeals, Homestead Exemption, Assessment Ratios and Tax Installments below for your review. Note some of these have a January 15 deadline too.
- If you do not agree with your taxes, get an appeal going this year. If the appeal is successful the savings are for the next three (3!) years if filed this year. You can do this anytime before the December 31. Just click here for the appeal form and e-mail today for comps(click here) and or a recommendation of a local appraiser to help you with this.
- Do you qualify for the Homestead Exemption? South Carolina also allows for a $50,000 homestead exemption on the fair market value of a home for residents who are age 65 or older, totally and permanently disabled, or legally blind.
- Do you qualify as a permanent resident in the Hilton Head Area? If you do, there are tax savings that apply. The assessment ratio of 4% applies to permanent residents. This application needs to be filled out before January 15, 2015 for owner occupied legal residents. The questions in this application will help you determine if the 4% applies.
- Pay your taxes in Installments – If you would like to pay your taxes in installments, applications are due by January 15, 2015 if you would like to pay your 2015 taxes in installments.
2015 Real Estate in the Hilton Head Area
If you are not using your property and paying the taxes, the opportunity to sell is NOW. There are buyers in the market and the New Year is starting strong. With the majority of our buyers financing their purchases, buyers and sellers need to keep a watchful eye on the current interest rates. A half a point rate change can affect the buyers affordability by up to 10%. For example on a $600,000 home with a half point rate change a buyer would now only be able to afford $540,000 under this scenario. Both a buyer and seller lose, when there is $60,000(10%) less in buying power! Just email me for a free market value today.
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