The best season ever to buy property on Hilton Head Island

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While many believe summer should be the busiest selling season, it is the spring and autumn that are the strongest selling seasons of the year on Hilton Head Island.  The agenda for many of the summer time visitors is to spend time with family and relax.  While many research the real estate while they are on vacation, they typically return in the fall or spring to buy.  With the busiest rental season we have had, this coming Autumn and Spring we will be selling up a storm!


The perfect “buyers storm” is brewing  on Hilton Head Island

This Autumn, the perfect “buyers storm” is brewing on Hilton Head Island as the lowest interest rates ever collide with the incredible values and unbelievable properties during a strong selling season.  Because these variables may never align this way again, this Autumn promises to be our best ever.  In fact, our recommendation to buyers is the “early bird will get the best worm.”  There simply has never been a better time to become a Hilton Head property owner!

Sell before the end of the year!

We have buyers and if you are interested in selling before the end of the year, we can help you.  Please send us an e-mailor call me direct at 800-932-3652.  Our last seller sold their property in 30 days and this is what they had to say “Robbie and Jane brought creative Internet marketing, a selling strategy and positive approach to the marketing of our home that had been on the market earlier without success”.  They continued “Robbie and Jane custom designed a presentation and a plan that we stuck to and we sold our home in 30 days (June) this year… for more than what others thought we could!  In fact, the offer came before the buyer actually saw the property in person.”  Please let us know if you would like us to help get your property sold this Autumn.  You can email us at or call us direct at 800-932-3652.  Thank you.

Keeping Tabs on Hilton Head Island

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Do you remember the Sunday Only Island Packet?

We used to tell our friends and clients that had interest in Hilton Head Island to subscribe to the “Sunday” Island Packet because they would mail it anywhere in the country(and in other countries).  Although the delivery often had a lag time, this was one of the best(and only) ways to tap into what was happening on Hilton Head Island.  Although there is no longer a Sunday Only Island Packet, there are now many new ways to tap into the latest and current happenings on Hilton Head.  We have included Hilton Head social networks and online media for you below.  Read the rest of this entry

We will save you a seat on Hilton Head!

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Hilton Head Real Estate markets move quickly

In the last few years, we all have learned that that the Hilton Head Island real estate market can move very quickly from an extreme “Sellers Market” to an extreme “Buyers Market”.  Most markets bounce a little bit from a “Normal Market” right or left, but Hilton Head has bounced big time.  Just two years ago prices were frothy and somehow we overcompensated for this and our prices now seem extremely low.  The important thing to know is that this too will not last forever and normal will return. Read the rest of this entry

Do not take a chance on time!

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Record Low Mortgage Loan Rates
Mortgage loan interest rates are one of the key drivers in the real estate industry. In today’s economy, Freddie Mac is reporting 30-year fixed rates at historic lows over the last few weeks.

What does this mean to you?

  1. If you’re thinking about selling, now is a great time because buyers will be able to afford more home at a lower monthly payment.
  2. If you want to sell and move up, a low interest rate will help you get more home for the monthly payment you pay. 
  3. If you want to stay in your home, now is a great time to refinance your existing mortgage loan.

Call me or e-mail me if you’d like more information. I am happy to answer any questions you might have. Contact me now. When it comes to mortgage loan interest rates, timing is everything.  You can email me at , or call us at 800-932-3652 ASAP.  These rates offer the bottom of the market for every reason including rate, selection and price.

Half Time 2010 – Hilton Head’s Short Term Rentals

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A note from Todd Brooks at Island Getaway

The first half numbers indicate that the vacation rental industry on Hilton Head will see a much welcomed increase in business in 2010 vs. 2009.  The Spring season numbers held in check, but the Summer has shown a double digit increase, with July shaping up to be record numbers.  The tragedy in the Gulf has exposed Hilton Head to thousands of new visitors.  The Island’s overall tourism numbers will see the impact of this new exposure for years to come.  We have yet to see what kind of retention rate we will have with first time visitors and if they will put Hilton Head in a rotation with their other annual vacation destinations, or even make it a permanent one.  Nonetheless, it has our company’s inventory at capacity for every week in July.  One thing I have noticed about the displaced vacationers from the Gulf, is that they are primarily looking for oceanfront accommodations.  The majority of inventory in the Gulf Coast region consists of oceanfront condos, and people are creatures of habit. Read the rest of this entry

Halftime 2010 – Long term Rentals on Hilton Head

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A note from Keith Miller at Miller Long Term Rentals

The demand for long term rentals has been very good since August 2009. Our problem is we don’t have many available rental properties under the rental rate of $2,000/month. [typically homes between 1,800 sq. ft to 2,400 sq. ft.] We feel that prospective buyers are NOT taking advantage of the low interest rate and lower sale prices.  We feel that prospective buyers who eventually want to move to the area can buy today and rent the property to help offset some of their carrying cost until they are ready to make the move to Hilton Head. Read the rest of this entry

Halftime 2010 – Building on Hilton Head Island

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A note from Scott Bunting at Bunting Construction

The number of building permits for new homes on Hilton Head Island has more than doubled from January 1 to July 1, 2010 as compared to the same time frame in 2009.  In fact, the dollar value of gross new home permits has increased 65%! Althugh the number of remodeling permits have stayed close to the same, the dollar volume has increased 41%!  At only halfway thru 2010, the Town of Hilton Head has surpassed all new home building permits issued in 2009! As all indicators show, new home permits on Hilton Head Island should double the volume of 2009.

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Halftime 2010 – Financing on Hilton Head Island

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A note from David Crowell at Mortgage Network

Mortgage Network is a good barometer of what is actually happening in local markets. We see more borrowers ( both for purchase and for refinance) than any of the Banks. Here is what we are seeing: Read the rest of this entry

We love Hilton Head Purchasers

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Greetings from Hilton Head Island~

The Hilton Head area is truly an oasis. With its lush sub tropical beauty, the 12 miles of beach, great year-round climate, life is simply better here! As a prospective purchaser that is researching the area, you will find that Hilton Head Island is centrally located and truly offers something for everyone. Read the rest of this entry

Happy half year from Hilton Head Island!

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Happy Half Year!

As we are now half way through 2010, I wanted to wish my clients and friends a very happy half year!  As we stated at the beginning of 2010, the market is changing.  We have seen positive improvements take place and we also can see challenges ahead.  There are also several vanishing opportunities worth noting.  All in all, the first half was a great improvement over 2009.  In fact, my company and I doubled our sales and volume in the first half of 2010 compared to the first half of 2009.  We are very happy to be busy with buyers once again. Read the rest of this entry

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