Taxes on Hilton Head Island ~ A tale of two taxes

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Here is the latest on our property taxes from my friend and accountant Bob Arundell.  If you wish to contact him or ask him a question, Bob can be reached at (843)785-8040 or his email is


A lot of people came away from a recent article about an adjustment to the School District’s tax mill rate with the idea that their tax bill, when compared to last year’s tax bill, was going up.  THAT IS NOT CORRECT.

The complexity and nuances of public education funding makes it real easy for the average person to arrive at an erroneous conclusion.

I did a presentation to the Chamber of Commerce’s Government Affairs Committee and used a hand-out that I thought you might find useful.  It explains what really happened and why, on average, your taxes did not go up. Click on the underlined link to read more: BCSD – Tale of Two Taxes

Call me if you have any questions.

Bob Arundell


Leamington Market Trends ~ August 2009

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Dear Leamington Property Owners and Friends~
Linked below, please find a copy of the August 2009 Leamington Market Report.  These reports will be sent the first week of every month to you.  Please let us know if you would like to add a different email or name to this report.

Leamington Home and Homesite Market Report August 2009

As we look forward, we anticipate increased showing activity and a corresponding increase  in contracts this fall.  Our properties are beautiful, the prices are extraordinary and mortgage money is once again flowing into our market.  Please give us a call if you need anything as it relates to your property and the enjoyment of Hilton Head Island.  Thank you.

All the best~
Robbie Bunting &
Jane Hyers
TOP Agent Palmetto Hall since 1991

P.S.  We have worked very hard keeping our blog updated with useful information about the Island, New Trends and great ideas.  Please visit www.BlogHiltonHeadRealtor and let us know what you think.  We would love ideas for articles that we can share with others!

Rental Homes Needed on Hilton Head Island!

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Dear Friends, Clients and Fellow Associates

If you are thinking of moving to Hilton Head sometime in the distant future, it makes sense right now to take advantage of the selection of properties, the low interest rates and rent it until you make your big move.  I have many friends that bought their property before they made the move and rented it.  Some have rented for over 10 years before making this move.

If you are interested in exploring this program with us, let us know and we will set you up on a Free Research Link for homes, villas and lots on or off the Island.  This is the hottest new program and you will love the ability to reseach these properties from your home or office staying anonymous until you are ready.   As well, right now we have demand for rental homes(see below).  Email us at to get your Free Research program set up. 

The market is moving…are you!

All the best,

Robbie Bunting &
Jane Hyers

A Message from Keith Miller, Owner of Miller Long Term Rentals

If you have a buyer that is interested in buying a house to take advantage of the lower prices and interest rates, but they are not ready to move at this time, they should consider buying and placing their purchase on the long term rental market. The inventory of  available homes under $2,000 is very low. Meaning a rental ready home priced under $2,000 has a good chance of renting well.   Let me know if you have any further questions.

Keith A. Miller, PMIC
Miller Long Term Rentals Inc.
4 Dunmore Court, Bldg A, Suite 102
Hilton Head Island, SC 29926

Caring Persistence on Hilton Head Island!

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Dear Friends, Clients and Fellow Associates~

Buyers in the recent past have been a lot like my hound dog.  Every once in awhile you get their attention, but if a butterfly floats by or a poor day on the stock market takes place, the buyer and the hound head off in a different direction.  I started thinking about this the other morning when I was out walking my hound dog Sheeba.  As she poked around looking for scent, I called her several times and finally got her attention.  As she started heading in my direction, something distracted her and off she went back on her original course. 

My buyers were a bit distracted too.  Given the news in the economy in the past year, many buyers simply could not focus on anything including real estate. Every day  now it seems that there are fewer distractions.  In fact,  our Island’s real estate inventory went down last month for the first time in over a year.  With this supply decrease sustained we will start seeing a turn take place because real estate is governed by the simple law of Supply and Demand!

Inventory drops 4.5% on Hilton Head Island!

Transactions in HHIMLS      
Year to Date July 2008 & 2009          
  Entire MLS (all areas) # Sales $ Volume DOM Active  
  2008 Homes 997     501,219,616      137       2,742 *
    Villas 324     126,943,152      172       1,270 *
    Lots 136       41,552,800      206       1,884 *
    Shares 26         2,087,600      171            78 *
    Total           1,483     671,803,168         5,974  
  2009 Homes 808     336,262,496      138       2,619 **
    Villas 263       67,745,152      187       1,235 **
    Lots 86       21,298,970      216       1,734 **
    Shares 16         1,008,000      245          116 **
    Total             1,173     426,314,618         5,704  


One thing that is always true, Sheeba comes running for food.  That said, when buyers start feeling and seeing this stability in the market place, they will all come running at once, too.   The problem with this is that we are an Island with a very limited and finite number of properties. 

I will keep calling you!  I call this “caring persistence”.  My advise though if you want your piece of paradise now is to not wait for my call!  My number is 800-932-3652 and my email is  I look forward to talking soon.  Thank you.

Happy Hilton Head~

Robbie Bunting &
Jane Hyers

P.S.  ~ As this market continues to improve properties on Hilton Head Island will disappear and be replaced with less negotiable and higher priced properties!

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