Hilton Head Hot-sheet’s help buyers and sellers strategies!

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How do agents use their Hilton Head Hot-sheet?

Everyday Hilton Head Real Estate agents check their hotsheet to find out what is happening in the real estate market.  Some Realtors check their hot sheet daily and others check it more frequently as this hot-sheet is full of useful information for buyers and sellers.  This is where we see the most recent price adjustments, recent sales, closed sales for the day (pendings), properties that have expired, new listings and properties that are back on the market.  This hot-sheet can help us navigate the market with our buyers and sellers. Read the rest of this entry

Part Sheep dog, part Realtor on Hilton Head Island

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With the recent bumps in the economy, we have developed our skills at sheep dogging.  Now more than ever we have found that in order to get to closing we have to corral our sellers, our buyers, our bankers, our appraisers, our agents and even our brokers.  Seems every time we think everything is going well, someone strays off the pathway to closing.  Yesterday we had to pull a seller, a buyer, a banker and a short sale negotiator back to the path and tomorrow we expect more of the same.  Read the rest of this entry

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