What could you do with 10 weeks on Hilton Head Island?

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Hilton Head Vacation Beach

Did you know there is an ownership program set up on Hilton Head Island that offers multiple weeks of use per year?  This ownership offers 1/5th deeded interest and it is completely hassle free.  We had a client purchase this type of ownership to experience all four seasons before purchasing a full time residence, one couple gave each of their children two weeks to use every year with their families, and other couples have used theirs to escape winter every year.  Prices currently start in the $30,000’s for 10 weeks(1/5 deeded ownership).  What could you do with 10 weeks a year on the Island? Read the rest of this entry

The Real Reasons to own a villa on Hilton Head!

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RS Barrington Ct Generics LoVillas in the Hilton Head Area come in all shapes and sizes.  Their locations vary as do their prices from $40,000 to almost $3 million.   The benefits of ownership can include logical reasons including possible tax deductions, rental income and potential appreciation.  Listed below however, are the real reasons to own a villa on Hilton Head Island. Read the rest of this entry

Hilton Head Island – The 14 day test for Vacation Properties

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Hilton Head, The Best in the WorldPurchasers of 2nd homes and rental properties don’t always factor the financial benefits into their purchase when weighing their buying decision.  Mortgage interest and taxes are standard deductions available to any second home owner, but what about the other deductions that may be available?  Before you proceed, the first question, is your second home or villa on Hilton Head classified as residential or rental?

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HHI – Why do a CL-100?

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Imperial Pest“Why do I need a CL100 when I buy or sell a home or villa on Hilton Head?” I’m not sure where the name comes from, but a smarter title, which appears on the report itself, “OFFICIAL SOUTH CAROLINA WOOD INFESTATION REPORT”, makes alot more sense.  During a sale of structural property in South Carolina involving a lending institution, the CL-100 will usually be a mandatory report at closing.  In most conventional cases, the seller is responsible for the CL-100.  A thorough, professional inspection is part of every CL100. The report will point out any water-damage issues, however small they may be.  It’s important to know that the CL-100 will only report water and fungal damage that is “below the first main floor”.

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Hilton Head’s Beach Guru!

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Hilton Head Properties welcomes Tad Segars as Partner.  Prior to entering his real estate career over 26 years, Tad co-owned the beach service on Hilton Head Island.  Working the beach everyday, Tad knows these beaches better than anyone.  This short video is why the Hilton Head Beaches are the best in the world!

Safe Surf on Hilton Head

Hilton Head’s Beaches offer two body guards that are sandbars on each end of the Island.  Joiner Banks on the north and Gaskin Banks on the south catch the really bad stuff before it hits the shores.  These two sandbars come together about a mile offshore and help make our waters both swimmer and child friendly.  No matter the age from toddler to elderly, sitting in the Hilton Head surf brings smiles.

Hilton Head, The Best in the World


A1A on Hilton Head

Hilton Head’s beach offers 11 miles of walk and bike-ability.  The sugar sand of Hilton Head is just hard enough to be excellent for walking, biking or jogging.  In fact, Hilton Head beachgoers do not have to travel by car to get to a different beach, they can barefoot it from one beach to the next.   Of course, plan carefully to walk through the Folly at low tide otherwise you may have to swim!

11 miles of the Best Beaches in the World

Hilton Head’s Beach is Tops

Google Top Beach and you are sure to see Hilton Head’s Beaches pop up in these searches time and time again.  A quick search and we found Hilton Head has been named #1 Beach in 2010 by Fox News, #2 beach by 10Best.com and #6 by US News Travel.  When it comes to swimming, walking, biking, sand, and room to spare, it is hard to find a more perfect beach in the World.  Please contact Hilton Head Properties or Tad Segars, Hilton Head’s Beach Guru at (843)785-7111 or email info@hiltonheadproperties.com .



How to rent your Hilton Head Vacation Property

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Whether you are just beginning your vacation property rental program or if you want to boost your rental income, we have photographers, cleaning companies, rental companies, free websites, fee websites and ways to get your Hilton Head Property into the short term rental market.  You can make your rental home hassle free or you can run it like a business, either way this step by step guide will help you crank up the rentals on your Hilton Head vacation property. Read the rest of this entry

What is a Regime Fee on Hilton Head?

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We have our own language when it comes to Hilton Head real estate.  We say villas, regimes, harbours and complexes when others would call them condos, condo fees, marinas, PUD’s and projects.  We use the word regime for condos in Hilton Head because when a condo is built in South Carolina, a Horizontal Property Regime is formed and recorded.  This regime than manages the common property going forwardThis blog is about regimes fees on Hilton Head Island. Read the rest of this entry

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