Do you have a Financial Strategy for Hilton Head?

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The fence that buyers and sellers have been sitting on is coming down and no longer is it an easy place to get a seat.  Interest rates are the lowest in years and we recommend watching this video and scheduling a financial strategy session with David Crowell

Hilton Head Real Estate Savings are adding up!

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The urgency to buy property on Hilton Head Island has to be intense if you are a buyer!   Typically this decision is based on a need or a want and only when the right timing and circumstances collide do purchasers make the decision to buy a property.  The pressure must be intense. We suggest making an offer before you arrive subject to your visit or selecting two properties to think about on  your travels home…after all we don’t want you to have crocodile tears if you miss out.

Buying Benefits in 2011 Read the rest of this entry

Good News from Mortgage Network

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An update from David Crowell:

Dear Friends,

The last two years have been uniquely difficult in the housing market. The good news is here, and it needs to be trumpeted: The cost of home ownership is at its lowest in decades! 

Consider the following:

  • Interest rates are as low as they have ever been, and are today 42% lower than in April 2006 (at the height of the boom)
  • Single family residences are priced at least 25% less than at the height of the boom
  • The combined financial effect is a 55% DISCOUNT in the cost of home ownership

Understand and practice talking about it. For example, “You can own a $500,000 home at the cost of a $230,000 home!” OR you can own a $500,000 home but make half the payment!”  We all need to say to our clients:

“If you are lucky enough to be a BUYER versus a SELLER in this market, there is NO remaining rational reason to delay. This is the very best moment in decades.”

Any client who needs convincing should be encouraged to call me or one of my team. WE BELIEVE IT!!! We will confidently SELL for you!

Warm Regards,

David Crowell § Senior Loan Officer

Mortgage Network, Inc. § Hilton Head, Since 1997

The Village at Wexford § 1000 William Hilton Pkwy, S205

Hilton Head, SC  29928

Phone: 843-842-4004 § Asst. 843-341-0128


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