Sep 18
We have a waiting list of clients looking for 3 and 4 bedroom homes in the 2,000-2,400 sq. ft. range both in Bluffton and on Hilton Head Island. Inventory of rental homes is at an all-time low. Now is the time to buy even if your client is not planning to move for a few years, as renting is a means to defray the carrying costs of maintaining a property, while taking advantage of today’s market values.
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Aug 14
Never before have the numbers looked so good for Hilton Head Buyers. These numbers including interest rates, rental income and purchase price offer awesome opportunities for our buyers. In fact, when all of these numbers are in alignment, the market offers perfect timing for Hilton Head buyers. Check out why it makes sense for real estate buyers to take advantage of these numbers sooner rather than later. Read the rest of this entry
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May 01
A few years back, brave heart buyers were rewarded with great prices on Hilton Head. This can be considered perfect timing. In general though we were missing confidence in the overall economy therefore many buyers sat on the fence. It is hard at best to time purchases like real estate but when all the variables including price, condition, location, value, rental and economy come together we find perfect alignment for our Hilton Head Buyers. It’s better than perfect timing! Read the rest of this entry
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Jan 16
When the music stops playing, will you have a Hilton Head, Daufuskie or Bluffton Property? Inventory, prices, properties, locations, condition and interest rates are all subject to change without notice when it comes to Hilton Head Real Estate! Right now interest rates, better than great pricing and premier locations are all available. When one or the other of these start disappearing we expect to see crocodile tears in the Low-Country! Read the rest of this entry
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Oct 10
Recently, Keith Miller of Miller Long Term Rentals(passcode “gator”) approached us with an idea to help buyers, sellers and agents sell more homes. He offered long term rental proformas for our residential listings! We thought this was such a great idea. Buyers now can take advantage of great locations, incredible interest rates and get an idea of the income they can generate until they are ready to make a move! Below are some great locations that potentially offer fantastic rental revenue! Read the rest of this entry
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Aug 01
With interest rates at historic lows and prices still in favor of the buyer, owning a vacation rental property is less expensive than at many times in the past. The short-term vacation rental market in our area is off to a strong start in 2012 and positive growth in number of renters and rental rates (compared to last year) is expected for the remainder of the year. Read the rest of this entry
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Feb 15
We are offering Dream Home Experiences on Hilton Head Island. The key to getting your Dream Home is to have a team that works on your behalf to make it happen. In part 1 of the short video above, you will hear from Karen Verechia of Studio V, a recent buyer on Hilton Head Island about how she almost lost her dream home and how she was able to put together the team that helped her get it. In part 2 of the video below you will hear from David Crowell of Mortgage Network on how to make it happen. Read the rest of this entry
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Nov 02
We love this time of year. The pace is slower, the properties are better and the negotiations more relaxed. If you are a seller, there are steps that we can take to close out your property by year end. If you are a buyer there are present opportunities that are available now that will be gone come the new year. Read the rest of this entry
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Sep 01
The other day we checked the rates for a 15 year fixed and found 3.5% for one of our Hilton Head buyers. I now believe any buyer that steps forward will be making history. The old saying about being greedy when others are fearful and fearful while others are greedy is so applicable today. There is little doubt these are the best interest rates our buyers will ever get. If you would like to grab a historical rate and an incredible property, email us at
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