Be Greedy and Quiet ~ Advice for Hilton Head Real Estate Purchasers!

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Dear Clients, Friends and Fellow Associates,

The Real Estate Market right now on Hilton Head Island is a lot  like an auction.  The other day I went to an auction and watched most of  the prequalified bidders waiting for a sign or signal before making their move.  While these “bidders” twisted in their seats, a few market brave buyers made their bids, but only one very quiet bidder sitting in a corner ultimately got the property.  In my opinion, that buyer made money that day and is smiling all the way to the bank.

It is time to be greedy and quiet! Warren Buffet best said “Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful”.  Right now we have a lot of “lookers” on the internet, some are coming down to preview our properties, a few are making bids, and only one will be the winner.  These brave buyers are being rewarded with superior properties at great values.  Please note that the turn is now happening slowly and quietly.  In fact, just last month we sold 119 homes and villas on Hilton Head Island and in the last week we sold 4  oceanfront homes!

Don’t wait for a sign or signal that it is time to jump in.  My company is set up to help you research and review the opportunities(quietly) while the masses are still sitting on the sidelines. Jane and I work very hard researching, investigating and preparing tours with only the very best properties.  In fact, with our network we often know about great deals before they are ever listed for sale. 

Here are just some incredible values:

All of these unbelievable properties include:

  • Condition, Location, & Price.  In fact, right now you can get all three, but all bets are off in 2010!
  • Cherry Picking.  Some of the very best locations are coming up for sale and are selling very quickly.  You have to be in the know to get them.
  • Creativity.  Flexible terms and even trades are even being considered for properties saving all kinds of dough!
  • Deltas.  In normal markets the cost to sell one property and buy another is greater than the delta now!  +++CLICK HERE for more details.

A wise friend once said “If you don’t plan the hunt you are just walking in the woods”  Please don’t hesitate in getting started in your search.  Call us at 800-932-3652 or email so we can start sending you some ideas.  We would also like to suggest a “research” visit to Hilton Head Island this fall.  The subtropical temperatures, wonderful restaurants, shopping and beaches are very enjoyable at this time of year.  We have arranged a special program including accomodations at one of the finest resorts this fall.  Please +++CLICK HERE for our Mini Vacation for Fall 2009!
Subtropical Regards~
Robbie Bunting & Jane
P.S. Our mini vacation is available for clients, relatives and friends.  We would appreciate if you would forward this as many times as you can!   Although it depends on your readiness, timing has never been better and you and your friends will be rewarded!  Thank you.

Dream Big, Hilton Head, SC 29928

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It is my belief that we will all look back on this year and say that 2009 was the best year to buy real estate.  With housing affordability reaching record levels and pending home sales rising in the southeast by 8 ½ percent the time to buy property has never been so rewarding.


Does it get any better?  We think so.  We recently completed a few transactions for our clients that were amazing.  Although they had hoped to sell for more, they were realistic and realized the purchase of their dream saving over $150,000! 

They sold their home for less than they hoped for:                       

   $525,000.00 Purchase price                                           

+$100,000.00 in improvements

  $625,000.00 Basis                                                            

  $565,000.00 Selling Price           

  $  60,000.00 less than the HOPED for BUT…               


They Purchased their Dream Property  for:

  $899,000.00 Replacement Property                            

 -$699,000.00 Purchase Price                                          

  $200,000.00 SAVINGS                                                    

-$  60,000.00 From above cost to sell     

  $ 140,000.00 Total Savings                                       


Moving up is taking place all over the Island as one couple sells their present property to buy a foreclosure or a market bargain.   You have this present opportunity in your favor and we would love to show you how you can save money in this market.  By the way, given the historic low interest rates, payments are lower than ever before. 


Are you interested in seeing if this can work for you?  Give us a call or shoot us an email.  We know what you are looking for and have some real estate deals and steals that you will absolutely love.  Who says you cannot have your cake and eat it too!

Thank you,

Robbie Bunting

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Sign up for the Foreclosure Bus Tour Today!


With you will see and learn all abouthiltonheadforeclosurebuscom the foreclosed properties and short sales on Hilton Head Island and Bluffton.   Our licensed agents will show you the very best properties offered and provide a list of every foreclosures and short sale available in the area. 

On you can sign up for a bus ticket to view foreclosures that are currently for sale in the Hilton Head Island Area. Simply click here  and sign in under “schedule a viewing” and we will email a confirmation for your tour and send you a bus ticket via email.   

These tours* will take you into gated communities and into the homes and villas that are offered as a foreclosure or short sale.   We schedule private tours throughout the week and weekends. 

Please choose the tour number you would be interested in seeing…
Tour 1 ~ Under $400,000
Tour 2 ~ $400,000-$700,000
Tour 3 ~ $700,000-$1,000,000
Tour 4 ~ Over 1 million

Visit and sign up for your bus tour today!

See you on the bus!

Robbie Bunting &
Jane Hyers

P.S.  Please sign up in advance, space is limited.   A complete list of all area foreclosures and short sales will be passed out to attendees

Creative Financing…Hilton Head Island, SC.

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Dear Clients, Friends and Fellow Associates~

I credit this economy for allowing my clients to get better properties at better prices.  I credit this economy for challenging me to do things differently and become stronger.  I credit this economy for the chance to find creative solutions for my buyers and sellers.  We have listed several ideas below that can help our clients, friends and fellow associates move faster and save money in the lending process!  We hope you find these useful.

Creative Financing 101:

Call your Stock Broker!   Recently a client of mine found a great home, but alas had not yet sold his primary residence.  Deciding not to take a chance on time he bought this great home and went to work figuring out how to pay for it.  In his search for cheap money he found his Stock Broker offered a loan at 2 1/2 percent.  Needless to say, I told him he should buy another!  This portfolio loan program is offered by many brokerage houses or give me a call as we have sources we can share with you. 

Ask the seller to offer financing!  Back in the old days when we had interest rates starting at about 17% we often looked for alternative or creative financing from the seller before we ever headed to a bank.  If the seller does not have a mortgage(if they do have a mortgage see land contracts below) they should consider the benefits of offering seller financing on their Hilton Head Property.   Of course, seller financing makes sense for the second home or vacant lot owner.  The benefits can include a faster sale and a better return.  Right now, money markets are paying less than 1.5% and the seller could easily offer owner financing at 5 or 6%. 

Ask the seller to do a land contract!  Land contracts offer more attractive financing terms over the rigid qualification standards of institutional lenders right now.  This program is similar to a lease purchase or rent to own and works for sellers that have an existing mortgage in place.  A land contract wraps around the existing mortgage or is paid straigt to the existing lender.  The seller typically offers this financing with a balloon payment of  3-5 years. At the time that the buyer secures bank financing the sellers existing loan is paid off and the deed transfers to the purchaser.  And for non conforming properties, a land contract or seller financing makes the property easier to sell.

Ask the seller to carry a second mortgage!  Given the higher down payments required by the lenders in today’s market, sellers would be wise to consider a 2nd mortgage on their property.  If the seller has some equity, this is a great way to earn a higher return than investing this money in a mutual fund or CD, but the real benefit is it will help the seller position the property more attractively to a buyer.  This is a great solution for a buyer that simply cannot come up with the down payment, but can easily afford the property.

Get a home equity line to buy a lot or second home!  Although this is not a preferred financing alternative, many purchasers have used their equity to buy property in the area.  These equity lines allow homeowners the ability to borrow up to $100,000 and still deduct all of the interest when they file their tax returns.   Home-equity loans provide an easy source of cash. The interest rate on a home-equity loans although higher than that of a first mortgage – is much lower than on credit cards and other consumer loans.

Sellers and buyers both win!  The benefits of creative financing for buyers include less stringent requirements to qualify, flexible terms, lower closing costs and a faster closing.  Seller realize benefits that can  include a faster selling process,  less difficult appraisal requirements, the possibility of deferring a gain, monthly income, a better rate of return than money market accounts and a faster closing. 

Money is once again flowing.  Conventional and even Jumbo loans are now available with very attractive rates.  If however you want to speed up the sale and reduce closing costs the above alternative financing solutions can help.  With 30 year fixed rates lower than they have ever been timing is important.  We may not be at the bottom, but we are pretty darn close!

Happy August on an Island.

Robbie Bunting &
Jane Hyers

Marketing Hilton Head Island Property

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Big Internet Marketing Update! 

We’re continuing to spread the good news about our properties.  We have just registered with ListHub, one of the real estate industry’s premier networks for on-line listings management.  Our recent listings will be found on these additional real estate websites by the beginning of next week and the inquiries will come back to our our companies website:

Our property listings are featured on:

  • (a.k.a. Yahoo Real Estate) which is approaching’s traffic!
  • (a.k.a. AOL Real Estate)
  • classifieds
  • (a.k.a. Lycos classifieds)
  • real estate
  • Our properties are also featured on:

 Last year, we were able to add our properties to the following sites:

  • (a.k.a.
  • (HGTV’s real estate website)

As of April 2009, all of our properties are also posted on the following real estate websites:

  • (a.k.a GoogleBase)
  • (formerly
  • Craigslist

Our goal is to get the word out about our great listings.  If you would like to visit one of these properties please visit right now or any of the sites above!  If you would like to recieve or review our marketing package please email or call on us anytime.

See you on the web worldwide!

Best Regards,

Robbie Bunting &
Jane Hyers

Copyright © 2024 Hilton Head Real Estate. All rights reserved. Disclaimer: All content on this blog is my own opinion and should not be treated as fact or relied upon when purchasing or selling real estate.
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