Even your agent may not be familiar with this community. There are no golf courses inside the gates, no tennis courts, no marinas, no shops or restaurants, just a Low Country lifestyle everyone dreams of. Inside the gates you will discover beautiful homes with picket fences, a relaxed pace with its resident owl, bald eagles and osprey. What you will discover at The Paddocks is a way of life that is not like the others, but true to itself.
“Do Drop In” at The Paddocks

Join us every Thursday for our “Do Drop In” at the pool pavilion at The Paddocks from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. We will provide liquid refreshments including “sweet tea” and moon pies(for the kids in all of us). Most likely you see some old friends, Realtors, builders, architects and neighbors from around the Island that you haven’t seen in awhile. Of course, no sales pitch, just some collateral material, some sweet tea and the opportunity to visit and discover one of the best places in our corner of the world.
Living is easy at The Paddocks

The architecture expresses what living in the South is all about. Metal Roofs, screen doors slamming, exposed rafter tails, big rockers on a covered porch and outdoor socials around a firepit. The big private home sites overlook marshes, forests, water and sunsets. Over 60% of this community sold out a few years ago. The prevailing breezes make this a place where you want to sit and drink up the cool air because this property sits on a Penninsula on Hilton Head Island surrounded by water.
The Paddocks Properties

With new homes starting at $549,900 and home sites starting at $69,900, The Paddocks offers great value and selection in today’s Hilton Head Island real estate market. Of course, because this community and all the properties are 100% debt free, the developer can be very creative for a family that builds right away. Even investors should inquire about a subordination that may be offered. Add it all up and come visit at our “Do Drop In” this Thursday to see for yourself. For more information, please email us.

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