Positive Energy Rules!

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From The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon

10 Rules for the Ride of Your Life


1.           You’re the Driver of the Bus

2.            Desire, Vision and Focus move your bus in the right direction

3.            Fuel your Ride with Positive Energy.

4.            Invite People on Your Bus and Share your Vision for the Road ahead.

5.            Don’t waste Your Energy on those who don’t get on your bus.

6.            Post a sign that says “No Energy Vampires Allowed” on your Bus.

7.            Enthusiasm attracts more Passengers and Energizes them during the Ride.

8.            Love your Passengers

9.            Drive with Purpose

10.         Have fun and Enjoy the Ride


Jane and I are ready to help you find a great property and/or get yours sold.  Give us a call and be prepared to enjoy positive energy.


Robbie and Jane  

Sellers…what is your motivation?

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We need your help.  While we think we know where you are in motivation, we do not want to guess.  So if you would,  please take a moment, hit reply and let us know your number.   We’re all unique individuals, so you and your spouse may each have a different motivation threshold for achieving this sale, so let us know both of these numbers.  


What is your number?  (We wrote out what these numbers mean to us)

10.      (You need to get it sold now and will do whatever it takes.)

9.          (You are very motivated to get it sold in 3 months or less.)

8.          (You will consider a meaningful value adjustment) 

7.          (You will let agents show it anytime and will entertain any offer) 

6.          (You will consider suggestions to help you sell it including de-clutter & staging)

5.          (You have a reason to sell it now.)  

4.          (You hope it sells and hope you get your number.)

3.          (You wish it would sell and are holding your breath.)

2.          (You do not want to do anything, but want more showings)  

1.          (You do not care if it sells or not)


Is there anything you see in the future that can increase your motivation to sell or inspire you to take action to move off your number above?  If this number ever changes either up or down, simply e-mail us right away.  We are thankful for you and look forward to helping you achieve your goals!

Think SOLD!

Robbie Bunting & Jane Hyers


P.S.  If you are a 9 or 10, check out the 29 Essential Tips to sell your property fast attached above!

for Palmetto Hall Sellers…

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Dear Palmetto Hall Owner~


Now more than ever you need a positive and professional REALTOR on your team.  The market is changing and we are adapting to this market positively.  I was the #1 Realtor in Palmetto Hall and #1 in closed transactions out of the 100+ agents at Dunes Marketing.  Some say it is their programs that work hard, but I think it is more than that…we work hard!      


You cannot afford to mess around in this market and you need to call me!  My credentials include starting the sales program for Palmetto Hall in 1991(Broker in Charge), owning a home in Palmetto Hall since 1991, raising my children there, and selling more property than all the other Island agents in Palmetto Hall since day one.  I simply know more folks, know more agents and have more facts about this wonderful community.   


What about you?  Do you plan on selling or buying?   This market offers gateways and stumbling blocks for both buyers and sellers and you need to know what these are to make the right move. There are no shortcuts for market knowledge, experience and results anymore.   Remember, a high tide floats all boats, but a rough sea shows how strong the boat really is.      


Contact me.   I am currently putting together my business plan for 2009 with the simple goal of saving my buyers and sellers time and money and would love to share these programs with you.   I would love to meet you in person (or by phone appointment) to help you design a real estate strategy that works for you in the months and years ahead.   Simply e-mail or call anytime.   Thank you.

All the best,

Robbie Bunting


direct 842-0805

e-mail me

We have lots of for sale signs on our sellers properties…

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Jane and I wanted to show you the marketing we have implemented for your property.  These websites generate thousands looking to buy property (up to 70% of all buyers visit the web first before calling us).  Three of the websites including Homes & Land, Homes of Hilton Head and Island Real Estate Magazine provide printed publications distributed throughout the Island with approximately 10,000 + per publication.

Your property is on every one of the websites below. (See if you can find your favorite one!)

“Homes and Land” Magazine & Website  *  This is the newest member of our magazine ads and websites

“Homes of Hilton Head” Magazine & Website  *  This is the Homes of Hilton Head Website

Realtor.com  * We have used this for national exposure as well as local

Robbie Bunting.com   * We just signed an agreement with a national marketing company and will be fine tuning this to better serve you

Hilton Head 360   *   Island Real Estate Magazine & Website.  We have two banners on this website and love the interactive map!  

Dunes Marketing Group  *  This is our Dunes Marketing Group website.

Hilton Head MLS  * This is our MLS that offers 1300 Realtors the opportunity to sell your property.

We also market your property daily through mail, MLS meetings, e-mail blasts, fly & buy programs, flyers, open houses and brochures.  WE appreciate both the opportunity and trust to get this job done.  We will leave no stone unturned!

As always, just call or email if you need anything whatsoever!   Thank you.


Robbie & Jane J

Your never write, you never call….

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First and foremost, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued trust and confidence.  Please know that we appreciate your business, and that we are always looking for better ways to serve you.


That said, we are currently in the process of updating our client contact information.  If you would please take a moment and hit reply this will update our records with your current e-mail.  As our way of thanking you, we will e-mail you special offerings at two of our favorite restaurants on the Island.  (With the coming fall weather, the upper deck at Santa Fe and the outside dining at Bistro 17 are absolutely wonderful.) 


We believe that utilizing e-mail could help us provide you with more timely information and more efficient service.  Also, with your permission we can send you important information which will reduce the amount of mail you receive and save a couple of trees in the process.


Should you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call at 800-932-3652.  Otherwise, we will look forward to talking with you again soon.


Best wishes,



Robbie Bunting                                Jane Hyers

Partner/Broker Associate                   VP Client Care/REALTOR


P.S. – Thank you.  Upon receiving your information, we will send you a free up to date market trend report that can help you in planning purchases and sales, plus we will also send special coupons you can enjoy at Santa Fe Cafe and Bistro 17.   See you this fall 🙂



Worldwide Exposure for your Hilton Head Property!

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As of Wednesday evening, your property went global to 38 countries and 700 of the top real estate firms world wide!  Please visit the link below to see this new web site:



Leading Real Estate Companies of the World Website



Our mission is to sell your property and this is just one way we are promoting it outside of our offices.  


Your property is also on:

Craigslist.org GoogleBase.com Trulia.com Yahoo.com
AOL.com zillow.com HomeGain.com MLS.com
RealEstateEspanol.com Lycos.com oodle.com hotpads.com
VLSHomes.com cyberhomes.com citycribs.com PropSmart.com
Homeseekers.com clrsearch.com listingmania.com Real-Estate.com
CondoQuickFind.com properazzi.com housefront.com


…and it’s on:

 My website

           Hilton Head Multiple Listing Service

           Dunes Marketing Website

 My Old Trade Website(we will be launching a new one soon!)

           Hilton Head Real Estate Magazines Website.com


Thank you for the continued trust and confidence!  Our mutual goal is to get it sold!

Happy Hilton Head 🙂

Robbie Bunting & Jane Hyers


Deals are happening everyday…

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What a great buyers market we are in right now!  In my 25 years of selling real estate, my buyer clients have never been happier.   Not only are they picking choice properties, but they have been extremely successful in negotiating these awesome locations!  

Some of the properties we found and sold recently include:

  • An incredible 3rd row home in North Forest Beach for less than $1 million.  Complete with pool and hot tub! It had been priced over $1.3 million.
  • A beautiful Sea Pines home near the beach in the mid $500’s.  It had been priced at almost $700,000
  • A lovely Palmetto Dunes home on the golf course with private pool for just under $800.  It had been priced over $900,000
  • A beautiful home in Palmetto Hall in the high $500,000’s.  It had been priced over $600K
  • A fantastic lot overlooking a lagoon and golf course for less than $250,000!  Others are over $300!
  • A great new home overlooking Deep water for under $1,000,000.  We had a seller trade 3 condos for this house!
  • A great home on the golf course at Belfair for less than $700,000.  It had been listed over $800K!
  • An incredible residence on the intra-coastal water way with over 3000 heated square feet and sold in the $700’s.
  • Two lots in a new gated community for less than $150,000 with no time limit to build.  These lots were over $240,000 last year.   

We are finding opportunities that other markets simply do not offer.  The spring is a Great Time to visit Hilton Head Island! Come for a visit and enjoy our Island, world-class golf, a slower pace and other outside activities.   

It is our pleasure to offer you a special getaway weekend on Hilton Head Island.   Based on availability this Getaway includes:

 $99.00 per night per person in Palmetto Dunes Resort                                              

 Free Golf                           

Discount dining coupons at Santa Fe         

An opportunity to relax and discover too good to be true dream homes, villas & lots!

Just give us a call or send us an e-mail for more information on some of the deals out there, our special Getaway or any other thing we can help you with as it relates to Hilton Head Island.  Thank you for your continued business.  I hope to see you soon!

Happy Hilton Head 🙂

Robbie Bunting &
Jane Hyers

P.S. ~ Email us for a coupon to save you money… If you cannot use this coupon or Getaway, but know someone that can, please feel free to pass it on.  Thank You!  

Accurate news and Hilton Head Weather

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We are blessed to live in such a wonderful place.  That being said, we have read and watched the news lately and we want you to know that we are still selling properties on this wonderful Island.  Last Month my company sold 10 million dollars, nearly 1/3 the total number of sales for all of Hilton Head Island.  If you would the real estate news that is right and not embellished let Jane or I know.  Simply email us and request “market trends”.

As well, we suggest going to www.weatherunderground.com or noaa.gov for accurate weather information.   Todays weather is breezy and cloudy and yes…the market is good.  Just yesterday we sold another beautiful home on Hilton Head Island that overlooked a golf green and had a kitchen that was straight out of Home Beautiful.  Simply said, “The pickins are good and there are deals to be had”

Our advice to you is to Ignore the Headlines when it comes to weather and real estate and our weather.  It’s another beautiful day on Hilton Head, how can we help you?
Happy Hilton Head!

Robbie Bunting & Jane Hyers

Ideas for Lot Sellers

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Below are some ideas for lot owers in this market:

1.  Trades  ~  Only in this type of market do we find owners of villas and homes that are interested in trading for lots.  The benefits to trading your lot for a villa or home include:

·        Offset ownership expenses by renting long or short term

·        Enjoy it as a second home.  

·        Move in to it

Your lot does not have to be debt free as the new loan is originated on the villa or home and the old lot loan is satisfied.  In fact, right now interest rates are fantastic for homes and villas. 

2.  Offer Seller Financing ~ Here is a great idea from my financial wizard team.  If you want to sell your lot and own it free and clear offer seller financing!  Right now our buyers of lots are having a difficult time finding loans.  The beauty of offering seller financing is you can earn 6-7% on your money.  In fact, that is better than holding on to it!  

The ideas above are to help us help you get your lot sold. Be well and let us know if you have any questions or ideas to share.

All the best,



Special Offer

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Greetings from Hilton Head Island!

Now is the time to plan another trip to Hilton Head Island. During the “Sports Season” we experience some of the Island’s best weather. Traditionally days are warm and sunny – perfect for golf, tennis, bicycling, walking on the beach and most other outdoor activities.

 Our Sports Season Package may be just what you’re looking for. How about an accommodations and unlimited golf package at Palmetto Dunes Resort for just $99.00 per night per person? The package includes a 4 day/3 night stay in a luxurious villa and golf on one of the three championship courses in the resort!

The sports season is also an excellent time to reconsider real estate opportunities on the Island. Perhaps when you were here last you didn’t have enough time to comfortably make a purchasing decision. During the busy rental season it’s sometimes difficult to see all the properties of interest. Now, when the pace is more relaxed it’s a good time to look again.

Plus, there has never been a better time to look again. Inventories are the best they have been in many years, some sellers are highly motivated and interest rates are historically low.  Great selection, lower prices and excellent financing are all available to you at this time!

If you or your friends would like to receive more information on the Sports Package or real estate, please call me toll free at 800-932-3652 or email at Robbie@RobbieBunting.com. I will gladly help you obtain accommodations or any information requested.

I look forward to hearing from you soon and hope you avail yourself once more of the opportunity to enjoy the unique beauty of Hilton Head Island.

Best regards,


Your Island Realtor

 *Sports Package price is for double occupancy. Subject to availability and expires 03/15/09. 


Copyright © 2025 Hilton Head Real Estate. All rights reserved. Disclaimer: All content on this blog is my own opinion and should not be treated as fact or relied upon when purchasing or selling real estate.
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