Oct 11
Hilton Head Real Estate Trends for the month of September are listed below. This is a snapshot of the activity on Hilton Head and shows the activity at various price points. When sellers are positioned correctly with the big three(condition, location and price) the DOM(days on market) is applicable. The information below should be factored in when buying or selling in the Hilton Head Area. If you would like for me to summarize this report simply email me at robbie@robbiebunting.com or call me direct at (843)842-0805.
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Sep 07
Listed below are the market trends for Hilton Head Real Estate for the month of August. This is a snapshot of the activity on Hilton Head and shows the activity at various price points. When sellers are positioned correctly with the big three(condition, location and price) the DOM(days on market) is applicable. The information below should be factored in when buying or selling in the Hilton Head Area. If you would like for me to summarize this report simply email me at robbie@robbiebunting.com or call me direct at (843)842-0805. Read the rest of this entry
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Aug 24
An agent called the other day and presented an offer 70% off the adjusted asking price. We understood the buyer(agent) was trying to negotiate with the seller….but it seemed to me the agent really set their buyer up for disappointment. The first thing that popped into mind was “Do they really want to buy this home?” and “Who really came up with this price?” Typically when a buyer makes an offer this low, it usually means they do not understand the present real estate market and it is our job as professionals to move them closer to reality. Usually buyers need more information and will proceed if we better manage their expectations. Our recent market trends reports helps our sellers and buyers better understand the Hilton Head Real Estate market and sets them up for success. In this case, similar properties were selling for 11% on average off the listing price. So how did this buyer determine offering 70% less?
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Aug 10
We have created some great searches on our website www.HiltonHeadRealEstateNews.com. These searches include doing a Hilton Head Island Map Search which allows you to see the location and than find out more about the properties. Those that are looking for the hottest and best properties might want to check back frequently for our Search for New Hilton Head Listings which highlites the best new listings in the last week. Of course , there are those that love the bargains and you can always find our Search for Hilton Head Short Sale Properties or our Search for Hilton Head Foreclosures enticing with the very best distressed properties offered. We never ask you to sign in to get information, but would love to know if we can help you as you research this market. We can set you up to receive great and new updates on the properties and areas you have interest in by clicking here Read the rest of this entry
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Aug 03
Listed below are the market trends for Hilton Head Real Estate for the month of July. This is a snapshot of the activity on Hilton Head Island and shows us the activity at various price points and the negotiability of these. When sellers are positioned correctly with the big 3(condition, location and price) the DOM(days on market) is applicable. This data should be factored in when researching buying or selling in the Hilton Head Area. The good news for this month is we saw higher priced homes sell with strong activity in the $750,000 – 1 million dollar sector.
The above report helps us watch for trends that can help our buyers and sellers. If you would like for us to summarize this report simply email us at
robbie@robbiebunting.com or call me direct at (843)785-7111. This is a good map of where we have been and helps us determine trends. This information is subject to verification by all parties. All our best, Robbie Bunting & Jane Hyers
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Jul 13
Although some properties today are selling “as-is” usually there is some time frame that Hilton Head sellers will give a buyer to complete a property inspection. While property inspections cost about $500 dollars depending on the size and type of property, they are well worth this out of pocket cost for the purchaser. Within a few days the home inspector will send via email photos and detailed information about the property that helps a buyer understand their new property and may identify any areas that may require more review. Read the rest of this entry
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Jul 06
The Hilton Head real estate market offers opportunities for sellers, buyers and agents to be creative. Some sellers have sweetened the pot by throwing in furnishings, golf carts, boats, seller financing, property trades, accepted time share down payments, purchased home warranties, guaranteed rentals, removed wallpaper, staged homes, offered vacation bonuses and we even had one seller that took in rare gold coins towards their sale. Incentives may be the extra motivation needed to close the sale rather than price. Read the rest of this entry
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Jun 21
Recently with the announcement of The RBC Heritage we have seen new interest and energy move into the Hilton Head Real Estate market. As an Islander The Heritage is about PGA Golf but it is also about an Island celebrating spring with azaleas blooming and happy suntan people enjoying the Low Country. The tournament is also an economic engine for the area. The Clemson/USCB Economic Impact Study done for 2010 indicates more than $81 million in economic benefits occur here in Beaufort County during tournament week alone. With about 1,100 jobs created and another $10 million in state and local tax benefits we are feeling the effects already!
RBC Heritage presented by Boeing
April 9-15, 2012
Harbour Town Golf Links
To learn more about the RBC Heritage and available ticket packages for the 44th annual tournament, please visit theheritagegolfsc.com.
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Jun 15
Hilton Head Real Estate agents believe that if their buyer clients go home with out signing a contract that they may end up joining the “COULDA CLUB”. The problem with joining this club is that it is easier to join than it is to quit. We all have met them through the years talking about the property they “coulda” purchased. Needless to say, because of interest rates, demographics, selection and prices offered right now there could be quite a few members joining this club in the year ahead. Only the believers can keep you out of this club.
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May 04
How do agents use their Hilton Head Hot-sheet?
Everyday Hilton Head Real Estate agents check their hotsheet to find out what is happening in the real estate market. Some Realtors check their hot sheet daily and others check it more frequently as this hot-sheet is full of useful information for buyers and sellers. This is where we see the most recent price adjustments, recent sales, closed sales for the day (pendings), properties that have expired, new listings and properties that are back on the market. This hot-sheet can help us navigate the market with our buyers and sellers. Read the rest of this entry
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