Think Long Term Cash Flow

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Long Term Rentals on Hilton Head IslandAre you looking at owning and managing rental properties on Hilton Head with a long-term view?  You will rarely increase the value of your rental property investment over the short term. Increased wealth comes from growth in equity that typically occurs over time.  Ensuring long-term appreciation should be your first consideration when deciding which property to buy. Location, location, location may be an overused term, but it still holds true. You can change virtually everything about the property except its location. Be wary of buying a property in a high vacancy location or in areas that are declining economically or aesthetically.  Although you can improve many aspects of the property, you may want to stay away from houses that require comprehensive repairs. You can get these “fixer-uppers” for a discounted price, but the money you save often won’t cover the cash required to make the property presentable. Read the rest of this entry

Hilton Head Pre-Visit Approval

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There will be no pity in be-back city for Hilton Head buyers after this summer.   While many have been lucky the last few years in delaying their Hilton Head purchasing decision, market research shows supply dropping as buyers get off the fence.  Buyer confidence is building and even higher priced properties are dropping in supply shown by the table below.  Looks like local REALTORS, lenders, inspectors and attorneys are going to have a HOT summer on Hilton Head in 2013! Read the rest of this entry

Hilton Head Real Estate Market on a slow roll!

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Some Hilton Head buyers and sellers may be shell shy from the past few years, but they need to get over it if they want to take advantage of timing their real estate move.  Hilton Head Inventories are dropping and for buyers and sellers it is time to jump back into the real estate market.  The past has shown us that the fear of future events is greater than the reality as we move out of the housing recession, elections and anything else that stands in the way of the housing recovery.  The Hilton Head housing market is on a slow roll. Read the rest of this entry

Hilton Head “Domino” Effect in Real Estate

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The dominos are falling on Hilton Head Island.  When one seller becomes a buyer and than that seller becomes a buyer the real estate market on the Island starts moving.  Just a few years ago these chain reactions were scarce.   Today with the fear of losing the low interest rates, the flow of buyer confidence, the selling season and great properties, dominos are falling once again.  Below is a domino chain we are tracking with several related transactions(dominos) so far!. Read the rest of this entry

Hilton Head’s Off Season – Point of View

Be the first to comment on this post Categories: Communities and Areas, Distressed Properties, Food, Fun and Festivals, Hilton Head Main, In the News, Market Trends and Information, Special Real Estate Opportunities, Taxes, Insurance and Ownership Expenses, Vacation and Long Term Rentals

The ” off season” brings a more relaxed pace to Hilton Head Island. 

This is the perfect season to revisit the Island and gain access to properties that were hard to see during the busy summer.  Let us know if you would like to plan a visit and we will help you make the trip a fun little mini-vacation with a look at some of the best properties we have ever offered(with the best interest rates too!). Thank you.

Please click here for a virtual tour  of some of the best properties on the Island for sale.  We look forward to your inquiry, Hilton Head visit or email.  Thank you.

All the best,

Robbie Bunting

& Jane Hyers

(843)785-7111 or


Hilton Head ~ Memorial Weekend Island Style

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Nothing better…Memorial Weekend Island Style.  We have some great outdoor events planned for the weekend including an art festival and paying honor to our fallen veterans on Memorial Day.  Join us on Hilton Head Island for Memorial Weekend!

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Hilton Head Island, South Carolina

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The natural beauty of Hilton Head never seems to change in this constantly changing world. The beaches, the communities, the shopping, the dining, the waterways and the attitude on Hilton Head Island seem to be a constant we all crave in this changing world. As a Hilton Head Realtor, I get to drive around this Island everyday and show the features, advantages and benefits of life on an Island. The great thing about selling this Island is some things never change. Read the rest of this entry

Hilton Head Island has it all!

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Dear Clients, Friends & Fellow Associates ~

People don’t buy real estate on Hilton Head as much as they buy life style.  A sale usually only takes place on this Island when heart strings, emotion and logic come together.  Heartstrings are the simple things in life that include time together or a passion!  The logical reasons to buy right now support the emotional values found on Hilton Head and the market is turning!


Of course, your real estate agent will meet you on the beach with a StarBucks to see which villa offers the best sunrise view, they will take you out in the boat to see a waterfront property or they will show you the greens, but they also have the resources to provide you with the logical reasons to buy now. 

Many of our buyers understand the emotional reasons and feel the heartstrings that are driving them towards a purchasing decision, however they usually do not have a clue about the logical reasons that support these other two.  Through the years we have developed a program that demonstrates many of the logical reasons.  This analysis shows the costs of ownership, the interest rates, the purchase price, some potential tax benefits and the rental income (if chosen). 

The samples above are for various types of properties.  We would be happy to send you a property analysis on any of our properties seen at (you can also search the MLS by clicking the link at the top of our listing page)

With over 200 days of sunshine, moderate winters, subtropical temperatures, the natural beauty, 12 miles of beaches, and limited availability of an island this market offers all the emotional reasons that work on our heartstrings. Just last Saturday I took a long walk on the beach with my son’s with the morning fog of the low country rolling in and found mine!

Many purchasers are making their future decisons now as the market offers some great buyer benefits.  One client recently purchased their retirement home on the Island even though they are 10 years away(they will rent it in the meantime).  The money they will save and the equity they will build makes this a wise decision. 

With the Timing that is before us we suggest you getting your foot in the door now!  Visit our website for the latest listings or seach our MLS(noted on the top of our listing page).  We look forward to helping you find your place on Hilton Head. 

From a Beautiful Island supported by very logical reasons,

We are~

Robbie Bunting and Jane Hyers

P.S.  If you are thinking of retiring here someday, keep in mind we need more long term rental properties! Buy now and rent until you move later.   Click here for more information!

Appraise your Hilton Head Property.

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Dear Friends, Clients and Fellow Associates~

I have many clients that look to evaluate their real estate holdings every year for their estate.    Some of my clients are satisfied with a brokers opinion, others want a more formal document.  In fact, if you own property right now one very good reason to have your property appraised is to take advantage of the very low interest rates available.  Below is a recommended appraiser and all round good guy that can help you with this process.

Real Estate Appraisals on Hilton Head Island

There are many reasons for an appraisal such as: Insured Value Updates, Estates, Trusts, Dissolution Values, Tax Appeals, Listing Price Opinions, Purchase Offers, Purchases, and Mortgages.  Most identify the need for an Appraisal with a Mortgage Loan.

The past few years have been the most challenging since I began my Island Area Appraisal Career in 1988.  Many in the profession have seen an increase in requests for Listing Price Opinions.  Most Property Owners requesting a Listing Price Opinion are tired of not receiving offers, confused by a wide range in suggested listing prices, or just over exposed to our many real estate advertising outlets.  Sellers just want an opinion from someone who is independent and won’t profit by the outcome.

When I take an assignment, I explain that the outcome of the Appraisal is between the Property Owner and the Appraiser.  The Appraisal outcome is only disclosed to another party if requested by the Property Owner.  Additionally, Federal Regulations prohibit the use of the Appraisal for Lending if ordered by anyone other than the Lending Institution.  Finally, an Appraisal is time sensitive since it is based on a point in time in an ever changing market.

Hope this helps, Bruce.

Bruce A. Goff, Owner Bruce A. Goff, Inc.
PO Box 4652 / Hilton Head Island, SC 29938

SC Professional Appraisers Coalition, Board/Past Chairman

SC State Certified Residential Real Estate Appraiser, CR29
Licensed SC Real Estate Broker / SC Real Estate & Appraiser Instructor
Voice: (843) 686-4444 / Cell: (843) 683-4444 / Fax: (843) 686-4858

Website:  / Email:

Copyright © 2025 Hilton Head Real Estate. All rights reserved. Disclaimer: All content on this blog is my own opinion and should not be treated as fact or relied upon when purchasing or selling real estate.
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