Hilton Head – Blog Archive August 12, 2009
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Here is the latest on our property taxes from my friend and accountant Bob Arundell. If you wish to contact him or ask him a question, Bob can be reached at (843)785-8040 or his email is bob@mhalawfirm.com
A lot of people came away from a recent article about an adjustment to the School District’s tax mill rate with the idea that their tax bill, when compared to last year’s tax bill, was going up. THAT IS NOT CORRECT.
The complexity and nuances of public education funding makes it real easy for the average person to arrive at an erroneous conclusion.
I did a presentation to the Chamber of Commerce’s Government Affairs Committee and used a hand-out that I thought you might find useful. It explains what really happened and why, on average, your taxes did not go up. Click on the underlined link to read more: BCSD – Tale of Two Taxes
Call me if you have any questions.
Bob Arundell
Dear Leamington Property Owners and Friends~
Linked below, please find a copy of the August 2009 Leamington Market Report. These reports will be sent the first week of every month to you. Please let us know if you would like to add a different email or name to this report.
Leamington Home and Homesite Market Report August 2009
As we look forward, we anticipate increased showing activity and a corresponding increase in contracts this fall. Our properties are beautiful, the prices are extraordinary and mortgage money is once again flowing into our market. Please give us a call if you need anything as it relates to your property and the enjoyment of Hilton Head Island. Thank you.
All the best~
Robbie Bunting &
Jane Hyers
TOP Agent Palmetto Hall since 1991
P.S. We have worked very hard keeping our blog updated with useful information about the Island, New Trends and great ideas. Please visit www.BlogHiltonHeadRealtor and let us know what you think. We would love ideas for articles that we can share with others!
Dear Friends, Clients and Fellow Associates
If you are thinking of moving to Hilton Head sometime in the distant future, it makes sense right now to take advantage of the selection of properties, the low interest rates and rent it until you make your big move. I have many friends that bought their property before they made the move and rented it. Some have rented for over 10 years before making this move.
If you are interested in exploring this program with us, let us know and we will set you up on a Free Research Link for homes, villas and lots on or off the Island. This is the hottest new program and you will love the ability to reseach these properties from your home or office staying anonymous until you are ready. As well, right now we have demand for rental homes(see below). Email us at robbie@robbiebunting.com to get your Free Research program set up.
The market is moving…are you!
All the best,
Robbie Bunting &
Jane Hyers
A Message from Keith Miller, Owner of Miller Long Term Rentals
If you have a buyer that is interested in buying a house to take advantage of the lower prices and interest rates, but they are not ready to move at this time, they should consider buying and placing their purchase on the long term rental market. The inventory of available homes under $2,000 is very low. Meaning a rental ready home priced under $2,000 has a good chance of renting well. Let me know if you have any further questions.
Keith A. Miller, PMIC
Miller Long Term Rentals Inc.
4 Dunmore Court, Bldg A, Suite 102
Hilton Head Island, SC 29926
Dear Clients, Friends and Fellow Associates~
We asked Cary Griffin of McNair Law Firm to give us a better understanding of closing costs as a buyer, seller or fellow associate. Cary also put together a reference guide for the costs associated with each community. Please keep in mind that the transfer fees can be negotiated by the buyer, the seller or split equally. The closing costs in the links below are all based on a $100,000 average. If you have a more expensive property, you can remove the constants and use a multiplier to determine an approximation to your closing costs. Here is a quick summary:
If you have any questions as you review these closing documents, please feel free to contact Cary Griffin at CGriffin@MCNAIR.NET . Cary has also provided a handy list of transfer fees and plantation dues below. Simply click on the underlined link for a readable (and printable) list of these fees:
Plantation Dues & Transfer Fees 2009
Please do not take a chance on time…the costs are low for what you get. Come dance on the beach and enjoy life now!
Robbie Bunting &
Jane Hyers
Robbie Bunting &
Jane Hyers
It is my belief that we will all look back on this year and say that 2009 was the best year to buy real estate. With housing affordability reaching record levels and pending home sales rising in the southeast by 8 ½ percent the time to buy property has never been so rewarding.
Does it get any better? We think so. We recently completed a few transactions for our clients that were amazing. Although they had hoped to sell for more, they were realistic and realized the purchase of their dream saving over $150,000!
They sold their home for less than they hoped for:
$525,000.00 Purchase price
+$100,000.00 in improvements
$625,000.00 Basis
$565,000.00 Selling Price
$ 60,000.00 less than the HOPED for BUT…
They Purchased their Dream Property for:
$899,000.00 Replacement Property
-$699,000.00 Purchase Price
$200,000.00 SAVINGS
-$ 60,000.00 From above cost to sell
$ 140,000.00 Total Savings
Moving up is taking place all over the Island as one couple sells their present property to buy a foreclosure or a market bargain. You have this present opportunity in your favor and we would love to show you how you can save money in this market. By the way, given the historic low interest rates, payments are lower than ever before.
Are you interested in seeing if this can work for you? Give us a call or shoot us an email. We know what you are looking for and have some real estate deals and steals that you will absolutely love. Who says you cannot have your cake and eat it too!
Thank you,
Robbie Bunting
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