Oct 26
Last week we sold 112 properties in the Hilton Head area. This was 1 week after Hurricane Matthew turned 40,000 trees into piles of debris. While some think Matthew stopped all Hilton Head real estate sales activity in the area, sales were down only 25% over last year during the same week. Here’s why….
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Oct 26
Hilton Head Island Homes – September 2016
Home pendings in the month of September were up across the board. The stable inventories on Hilton Head Island are holding prices in check right now, but keep in mind it is an Island that is 97% developed. If you are a buyer, negotiation is firming up for properly priced properties. For the seller, their is good news as the number of months in supply(your competition) dropped in almost all sectors.

Hilton Head Island Villas – September 2016
We are seeing investors finally moving back into the Hilton Head villa market with the low prices, higher vacation rental income potential and low interest rates. Cash flow has never been better on these villas that offer short term rental opportunity.

Hilton Head Island Lots – September 2016
Until it costs the same to buy a lot and build a home as buying an existing home, lots will continue to offer compelling prices. Some of the lots offered around the Island offer some incredible locations at some incredible prices. Property owners with a lot for sale next door should explore buying the adjacent land because builders are buying up these lots and building specs.

Ready to Explore the Hilton Head Market?
If you would like to start exploring Hilton Head Properties with us, please fill out the form below and pick your Hilton Head Properties agent. They will start sending you the best buys in the area that match your needs. Thank you.
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Oct 19
We dodged a bullet on Hilton Hilton Head Island with Hurricane Mathew! Working together it is is amazing how much we have accomplished in such a short time. While we are picking up and mending our homes, many of our vacation properties and resorts will welcome you back once again. If you need an update on your property, a repair made or want to find out more about what’s happening in the Hilton Head area, please let us know.
Hilton Head Property Owners
If you need work done on your Hilton Head property, we have a long list of vetted contractors and service providers that we would be happy to share. We are hearing outrageous quotes for tree removal and deposits being made and workers not showing up. Our contractors are local and you can call on them now or in the future. We can also have them check the condition of your property. Keep in mind, even vacant lots should be checked for leaning trees.
Hilton Head Community Updates
Many of the communities on Hilton Head Island have been posting updates on their community websites. These communities include: Sea Pines, Palmetto Dunes , Shipyard, Hilton Head Plantation, Long Cove, and Port Royal. As well, openings around the Hilton Head area include: Golf Course Openings, Fall Specials, Parks Reopened, and Vacationers Return. Please check our facebook page for these daily updates.
Hilton Head Properties Realty and Rentals Update
Surprising enough, we have been busy this week showing property and writing contracts on Hilton Head Properties. The good news is that the Hurricane did not slow down our buyers. We can’t wait to show you our awesome properties this fall! Our rental company and crew did a fabulous job securing our vacation properties before and after the storm. They are busy again helping guests book great vacation rentals. The fall weather is wonderful and we hope you can make time to enjoy a long weekend or upcoming holiday with us.
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Aug 31

Thank you very much for your suggestions and ideas. They were incredible and much appreciated. We are reviewing them now and will pick out the best fit in the next few weeks. It is going to be a tough decision! Stay Awesome and give Hilton Head Properties a call if we can do anything for you!
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Aug 16
Wouldn’t it be great to own a place at the beach, on the course, or overlooking a tranquil lagoon on Hilton Head? If you are seriously considering buying a vacation home in the Hilton Head area, you have probably weighed many of the pros and cons already.
But you should carefully consider everything before you buy. Have you taken these additional costs and benefits into account? Read the rest of this entry
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Feb 29
The most critical information that our Hilton Head Monthly Market Trend Report conveys is what I call the “Big Three”. These are the vital statistics for determining negotiation or pricing and include:
- Average List price to Average Sales Price ~ This is a direct indicator of negotiation opportunity and the firmness of the market. Buyers and sellers can benefit by understanding this number
- Average Days on the Market ~ This time frame applies to properties that are priced correctly for their condition and location.
- Average number of listings taken vs. Average number of sales in a given period which will give us the number of months of inventory that available for sale. This can help buyers and sellers determine strategy.
This report is a snapshot of how the market place has performed in the recent past, which is often a good predictor of future market performance for sellers and buyers. If you would like to receive a monthly report by mail or e-mail, please email us at robbie@robbiebunting.com or call Jane Hyers to set up a phone appointment at (843)785-7111. This is not only a good map of where we have been, it points to where we may be going. Happy Hilton Head! Robbie Bunting
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Nov 02
We love this time of year. The pace is slower, the properties are better and the negotiations more relaxed. If you are a seller, there are steps that we can take to close out your property by year end. If you are a buyer there are present opportunities that are available now that will be gone come the new year. Read the rest of this entry
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Oct 11
Hilton Head Real Estate Trends for the month of September are listed below. This is a snapshot of the activity on Hilton Head and shows the activity at various price points. When sellers are positioned correctly with the big three(condition, location and price) the DOM(days on market) is applicable. The information below should be factored in when buying or selling in the Hilton Head Area. If you would like for me to summarize this report simply email me at robbie@robbiebunting.com or call me direct at (843)842-0805.
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